Get the stuff into separate folders from the ISOs.
The easiest way to make 2 DVDs into one project with menus is DVD Remake Pro. It is almost a 1 click operation. Drawback - it is not free.
If you could care less about menus, use DVD Shrink in re-author mode. Use Ctrl-I to import from the ISOs, if you like. After this, you could consider Titlewriter. Get it from the stickies in our Authoring & Editing forum.
The easiest way to make 2 DVDs into one project with menus is DVD Remake Pro. It is almost a 1 click operation. Drawback - it is not free.
If you could care less about menus, use DVD Shrink in re-author mode. Use Ctrl-I to import from the ISOs, if you like. After this, you could consider Titlewriter. Get it from the stickies in our Authoring & Editing forum.