I ordered a hundred pieces of Taiyo Yuden 16X (TYG03) some time ago from the SuperMedia Store(the only place I trust to get my TY's, and I have yet to end up with a "coaster". I'm using a Lite On LH-18A1P, and they seem to get along very well. Only twice have I gotten a 'burn failed' indication at the start of the actual burn....I just re-inserted the blank TY and it took off running. Of course,I must confess, I'm using Nero 7 to do the shrink/analysis/burn, and it always says it's burning at 2X. Still, it only takes twenty minutes from start to finish. Once upon a time I used DVD Shrink (took about 10 minutes to process), and ImageBurn - that would take me almost two hours to do the job! This seems rather unreasonable.....or am I doing something wrong??? Comments appreciated!
DVD media and burn rates