Bootable DVD does not boot up on new samsung drive

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  • perfection
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2009
    • 10

    Bootable DVD does not boot up on new samsung drive

    I have a sony bootable DVD. When i insert it in my older PC having a LiteOn dvd drive it boots up without a problem but when i pop it into my NEWER PC having a samsung drive it does not boot up at all. What could be some of the issues here assuming of course that both my PCs are set in the bios to CD/DVD as my first boot priority
  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8964

    Have you tried updating the BIOS of the new PC, perhaps there's some booting bug in play here.

    What kind of motherboard do you have? Is the DVD drive a SATA drive?
    Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


    • perfection
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Aug 2009
      • 10

      Yes bios updated
      Yes firmware of DVD drive also flashed

      Asus (M3n78em) is the Motherboard
      Yes the DVD is a S-ATA drive
      Last edited by perfection; 20 Jun 2011, 02:01 AM.


      • admin
        • Nov 2001
        • 8964

        Can you boot from CD, or is it just DVDs you can't boot from? Also, is there an actual error message that pops up, or does it just simply not detect the drive for booting at all?

        The only time I've had trouble booting was when I selected the wrong boot drive, as some BIOS's have separate options for booting from CD/DVD (IDE) and SATA devices (the drive's name should be listed as one of the bootable options, of course, ensuring the drive is the first boot device).

        Another issue is AHCI mode. You may need to change your SATA settings to enable IDE mode to solve the booting problem (SATA5 and 6 on your MB do not support IDE mode - use SATA1-3 for IDE mode) - I think the setting is under "Storage Configuration" in your BIOS (need to change "SATA mode select" to "SATA Mode", not AHCI or RAID). Note that if your HDD is already set to RAID, you may break the RAID config if you change to IDE mode, and possibly make everything on the HDD unreadable. If you're already using AHCI HDDs, you can change it temporarily to SATA mode (IDE mode really), and change back if you want to boot back into your OS.

        Probably a good time to recommend making a backup of important stuff on your HDD before messing around with SATA settings in your BIOS, just in case.
        Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


        • MilesAhead
          • Nov 2006
          • 2615

          The issue I ran into with my HP quad core is the HD controller uses some Raid driver and the same controller runs the optical drive. You can get partial boots if there's a 1.44 MB boot image on the CD/DVD as the BIOS knows how to boot it as a floppy image. But since the HD controller is not initialized with the Windows driver, you cannot see anything on the CD/DVD outside the 1.44 MB image.

          To boot properly I either need a linux boot CD with the Linux driver for the controller, or I use WinPE and manually load the Windows driver. It's a pita for sure. To top it off, there's only one internal HD so I'm getting the hassle without the benefit of Raid.


          • ryellen4ar
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jul 2011
            • 1

            I have a sony bootable DVD too

