I've read here that there are two stages of making a drive region free.
1. updating the firmware
2. using region killer
I have a Toshiba SD-M1612 revb. drive I have sucsesfully updated the firmware to 1806. However. windows xp claims that the drive is a 'cd -drive'
I have read that a few people have gotten this error. and to fix it they uninstall the driver for the drive and reboot, and it 's fixed. now heres my problem, When ever I click uninstall, it sits there for a long time, and then it says 'not responding'. it does this to me in safe mode too. Any idea's?
Rick S.
okay, I solved that problem by changing the drive to primary, (it was previously slave)
I updated to windvd4.
I lost my sound driver. i check in device manager. and yup sure enough its gone. My sound card is Hercules fortismo II. So I go grab the latest drivers from their page. run it and tells me to reboot. I do that. and the driver that is installed is "usnsupported cumstomized crystal sound fusion audio device"
under properties, it claims that there is no driver installed (but its working properly ;] , go figure ) so yeah. I guess im stuck without sound. or something. any ideas on this one?
Rick S.
1. updating the firmware
2. using region killer
I have a Toshiba SD-M1612 revb. drive I have sucsesfully updated the firmware to 1806. However. windows xp claims that the drive is a 'cd -drive'
I have read that a few people have gotten this error. and to fix it they uninstall the driver for the drive and reboot, and it 's fixed. now heres my problem, When ever I click uninstall, it sits there for a long time, and then it says 'not responding'. it does this to me in safe mode too. Any idea's?
Rick S.
okay, I solved that problem by changing the drive to primary, (it was previously slave)
I updated to windvd4.
I lost my sound driver. i check in device manager. and yup sure enough its gone. My sound card is Hercules fortismo II. So I go grab the latest drivers from their page. run it and tells me to reboot. I do that. and the driver that is installed is "usnsupported cumstomized crystal sound fusion audio device"
under properties, it claims that there is no driver installed (but its working properly ;] , go figure ) so yeah. I guess im stuck without sound. or something. any ideas on this one?
Rick S.