whats up
Im have some probs, pretty much the same one everyone else seems to be have tho
I just bought an AOPEN 16x dvd-rom/48x cd-rom/amh from a flea market for 20 bucks, and
installed it.
and tried to play a few dvd's using power dvd, it sssttuters. it plays vcd's an svcd's ok tho.
an I usually play my divx-rips on zoomplayer an they work okay too.
I been playen around with the options an shit tryen to get powerdvd to play right.
maybe some one can recommend a better program? Im gonna try windvd next.
I read this refered too in another post
what is DMA? and how to do I enabel it?
heres some info power dvd gave me.
Hardware Information :
Processor: Intel Pentium III running at 869 MHz
3DNow! Technology : Not Detected
Enhanced 3DNow! Technology : Not Detected
3DNow! Professional Technology : Not Detected
IA MMX Technology : In Use
IA Streaming SIMD Extensions : In Use
IA SSE 2 : Not Detected
Video Accelerator : Not Detected
Multispeakers Audio Device : Not Detected
SPDIF Output Device : Not Detected
anyhow I got a geforce mx420 64mb pci card
and its hooked to the vcr at a res of 1024x728, I had powerDVD turn it down to 600x800 but it still sstutters
I got 260,594kbsram
any info or, links to info, advice and or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
oh Ill almost for got the most important question I wanted to ask
I want to start ripping an encoding dvd to divx & or xvid.
Power dvd and the stutter im getting w/ playback has nothing to do w/ that right?????????
Thats basically why i bought the thing, to rip an encode rare movies i cant find on the net.
anyhow thanks again
Im have some probs, pretty much the same one everyone else seems to be have tho
I just bought an AOPEN 16x dvd-rom/48x cd-rom/amh from a flea market for 20 bucks, and
installed it.
and tried to play a few dvd's using power dvd, it sssttuters. it plays vcd's an svcd's ok tho.
an I usually play my divx-rips on zoomplayer an they work okay too.
I been playen around with the options an shit tryen to get powerdvd to play right.
maybe some one can recommend a better program? Im gonna try windvd next.
I read this refered too in another post
DMA is enabled
heres some info power dvd gave me.
Hardware Information :
Processor: Intel Pentium III running at 869 MHz
3DNow! Technology : Not Detected
Enhanced 3DNow! Technology : Not Detected
3DNow! Professional Technology : Not Detected
IA MMX Technology : In Use
IA Streaming SIMD Extensions : In Use
IA SSE 2 : Not Detected
Video Accelerator : Not Detected
Multispeakers Audio Device : Not Detected
SPDIF Output Device : Not Detected
anyhow I got a geforce mx420 64mb pci card
and its hooked to the vcr at a res of 1024x728, I had powerDVD turn it down to 600x800 but it still sstutters
I got 260,594kbsram
any info or, links to info, advice and or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
oh Ill almost for got the most important question I wanted to ask
I want to start ripping an encoding dvd to divx & or xvid.
Power dvd and the stutter im getting w/ playback has nothing to do w/ that right?????????
Thats basically why i bought the thing, to rip an encode rare movies i cant find on the net.
anyhow thanks again
