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  • amangaliman
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2002
    • 1


    Hi anyone!

    I use my PC to play DVDs out to an NTSC TV (my video card's TV out is NTSC and use PowerDVD for playback). There are DVDs on sale which are formatted in PAL.

    NTSC DVD playback is ok! Can I also play PAL DVDs the same way?

    Note: I believe the framerate of PAL is lower (25FPS) that NTSC(29.95FPS). Also, I tried video capture into PAL format and playing the MPG file in my PC stinks!!!
  • sneglen
    Platinum Member
    Platinum Member
    • Oct 2002
    • 153

    If you try playing Pal DVD's on NTSC Television, I think you will get a choppy sensation, because of the differents in the frramerate, but I don't know if it will be all to noticable. I tried outputting NTSC to Pal, and it is viewable. But the real question is: Why use Pal DVD's? There are little differents between them. the framerate as you say, subtitles in other languishes, and sometimes (very rare) the extra features is different.

    And when you tried capturing in Pal (25FPS) the problem is: it gets 30 frames but have to drop 5 of them, and that's why it looks like sh**.

    Have you tried outputting to Pal, because I have a Pal TV, and it can use the NTSC Standard, so perhaps (If the TV's new enough) it can play PAL the way it's meant to be.

    But try downloading a file that is in PAL (25FPS) and then try outputting it to your TV to see if it works or not.

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