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  • simonwallace
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2001
    • 3

    URGENT HELP!! Please


    I hope you´re having a merry X-mas!!

    Well, it´s x-mas day and I decided to venture on with the intallation of the patched FIRMWARE for my DVD and I miserably FAILED!!!!

    I have a Toshiba with a Toshiba DVD C2505-1313 player
    I found the Firmware (flash) file and decided to execute it today.

    I created a DOS boot disk and everything was right.

    I started the vup100k 1313.hex process and at the end I got the message:

    Comparisson: error no stop/eject ...something like that.

    So I rebooted and now my DVD just won´t even start. In fact it opens alright, but 3 sec. after I close it (no matter if empty or with a DVD in it) it REOPENS!!!!

    Not even a hint of it trying to read at all.

    I was truly hoping someone could give me a big hand in such desperate moments!!!!

    Thank you in advance.
  • Trancemaster
    • Dec 2001
    • 149

    I'm afraid it sounds like you've done a bad flash on your drive, meaning it's probably knackered, so your only real option is to try a different firmware (the original if possible) or buy a new drive!

    Good Luck!

    Snooch to the Nooch!


    • admin
      • Nov 2001
      • 8963

      Make 100% sure that the firmware you are using is exactly the same one for your drive (sometimes a drive model number can look similar, eg. SD-1010a and SD-1010b).

      Also make sure you do not have any discs in the drive when you are updating the firmware.
      Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


      • simonwallace
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Dec 2001
        • 3

        thank you!!

        Thank you guys for posting your replys!!!

        I have one Q.... Where can I find the original FIRMWARE????
        Thank you very much again

        I wish you a very happy new year!!!


        • Trancemaster
          • Dec 2001
          • 149

          Just go on to Google and search for "The Firmware Page" It's should be one of the first results

          Good Luck!
          Snooch to the Nooch!


          • simonwallace
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Dec 2001
            • 3

            Haooy new year!!!


            Thank you very much for your imput!!!

            I visited the page today... they took out the SD-2502-X313 because of a bug thing... and there´s no trace of the SD-2502-1313 which is the precise firmware for me (which I used for the bad flash) They released it a few months ago and I d/l it... I had it waiting until recently, but I guess it didn´t work either and that´s why it´s gone for the moment... so I´ll guess I´ll have to wait until they figure that one out....

            A good thing though; I found the new version for Driveinfo (2.1) which works ok now... it displays my DVD driver as NOT REGION PROTECTED!!!!! It´s great... but it just keeps bumping my DVD open without any options....

            Anyway... it´s just a few hours now until the new year beginns and I wish you the very best!!!

            Thanks again, hope to hear from you soon.

