dvd playback problem

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  • sanderdvd
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2001
    • 1

    dvd playback problem


    i m having a dvd playback problem.
    When dma is disabled (turned off) i have the problem that movies have
    trouble sometimes and 'shock'.
    So you say :'turn dma on then'. Well, i did this and then the distortion
    problem is over,BUT
    then comes my problem : my player won't play some of my dvd's. he says :
    unknown format and some other errors.
    (so this is ONLY whem dma is enabled, and another thing : i ve noticed that
    this problem occurs with dvd's that
    have dd and dts on the same disc.....)

    PIII 800
    512mb ram
    geforce IIMX 32mb
    sb live! platinum
    creative dvd 5X (dvdplayer is master and writer slave)

    powerdvd 4 and windvd 3.1 (and dvd-genie 4.05)
    direct x 8.1
    windows 2000 professional (+service pack 1 and 2)
    all the newest drivers for sound and videocard

    can someone please give me a hint or solution?
    thank for all help!

    greetings from the netherlands

    icq : 69964843
    tel.: 0031 62475 4610
  • admin
    • Nov 2001
    • 8963

    You have broken one of the rules of this forum by cross-posting in multiple forums - all your other posts have been deleted. Consider yourself warned.

    As for your problem, you should investigate whether you have the latest version of your motherboard chipset/busmastering drivers installed.

    DMA problems are always associated with the motherboard, in particular, the drive controller/busmastering/chipset part of your motherboard.

    Since you didn't specify, your motherboard is probably an Intel or VIA chipset, and you'll need to go to either the website of your motherboard manufacturer, or intel.com/via.com.tw, to obtain the latest drivers for Windows 2000.
    Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog

