Hi I have come accross this web page:
Also the same page??:
It seems to promise cinemester software or something (being nearly 5AM it seems a bit confusing as to what it is trying to put up for download. What is it getting at? Are these just patches for a dvd software player, seperate decoders or something?
Does anybody know of a free Dolby Digital/DTS decoder I can use with my DVD players (Microsoft and Power DVD)??
Also the same page??:
It seems to promise cinemester software or something (being nearly 5AM it seems a bit confusing as to what it is trying to put up for download. What is it getting at? Are these just patches for a dvd software player, seperate decoders or something?
Does anybody know of a free Dolby Digital/DTS decoder I can use with my DVD players (Microsoft and Power DVD)??