Playback Performance Issue

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  • Zrantheus
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2003
    • 3

    Playback Performance Issue

    This is along the same lines of a recent post that I read here in the forum, but I wanted to expand the query a bit with my own details.

    When executing DVD movies on my computer, I also receive the annoying and occassional "pause" during playback. During this time, the CD drive and Hard Drive indicator LEDs burn furiously and consistantly, then all returns to normal and playback continues.

    My issue with this is simply this, I certainly do have adequate hardware to run DVDs, yet the performance is lacking.

    My system: P4 1.6Mhz, 512MB RAM, GeForce4 Ti4200 128MB vid. card, 16X DVD player, Windows XP, two 40 Gig 7200RPM HDs, and PowerDVD with most current updates.

    I have also made religiously certain that I have the newest driver updates for all hardware, an easy task for us anal retentive folks. I am on a fresh XP install as well and consistantly run anti-virus scans and spyware scans to keep things clean. I automatically empty all temp directories, keep the drives unfragmented, and keep firmware and MB bios current.

    Any suggestions? I am running on a GigaByte GA-8SMMLP MB with the SiS 650GX chipset if that pertains in any way. Also, I am currently running on the Detonator 41.09 drivers. I have heard the resolution, color depth and RMA arguments, but considering the requiremtents for DVD playback, and my system configuration, I can't image that my hardware is insufficient.

    Many thanks,

  • Batman
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Jan 2002
    • 2317

    What player do you use to playback your movies? Try BSPLAYER, and try enabling DMA if your cd/dvd drive supports it.


    • Zrantheus
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2003
      • 3

      Running PowerDVD v.4.0 with XP Update and all drives are DMA enabled. Whacha think?



      • Batman
        Lord of Digital Video
        Lord of Digital Video
        • Jan 2002
        • 2317

        Your set-up should be more than sufficient for divx/xvid or dvd playback.

        Perhaps your anti-virus software or a background application is interfering with divx/xvid/dvd playback?

        You might also want to generally check your PC connections just to see if everything is in order. Try to make sure your system isn't overheating.


        • Zrantheus
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2003
          • 3

          Thanks for the information. I'll keep at it. By the way, can BSPLAYER play DVD CD's? I just downloaded it but don't see how.



          • Batman
            Lord of Digital Video
            Lord of Digital Video
            • Jan 2002
            • 2317

            Unfortunately, BSPLAYER cannot playback dvd's.

            On the other hand, ZOOMPLAYER I believe (Not entirely sure) can playback dvd's.


            • The Edge
              Digital Video Expert
              Digital Video Expert
              • Jan 2003
              • 610

              Yes, Zoomplayer will play dvds as long as there is already a MPEG2 filter installed. e.g another dvd player such as WinDVD or Cinemaster.

              Great little player IMHO.

              "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"

