If There's no TV Out on Laptop

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  • perwil
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2002
    • 18

    If There's no TV Out on Laptop


    I've always had desktop computers so now that my sister got a laptop
    I'm wondering:

    I don't think she has a TV Out connection on her laptop. Is it
    possible to use the monitor-out socket to connect to a TV in some way?
    Is it otherwise possible to exchange graphic-cards (to one with a TV
    Out connection) in a laptop like you can with a desktop computer?


  • chickeneater
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Apr 2002
    • 672

    "Is it otherwise possible to exchange graphic-cards (to one with a TV
    Out connection) in a laptop like you can with a desktop computer?"

    no, the reason laptops are so small is because they have integrated chips(built into the motherboard). so there are no expansion pci/similar slots on a laptop. You can have an integrated s/video out plug though.
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    Guliverkli's Media Player Classic


    • perwil
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Dec 2002
      • 18

      An s-video port at the back of the laptop? Well that's the only kind of TV-Out port I know of. That's what I don't think she has. Are there other kinds?

      Thanks for helping!


      • chickeneater
        Digital Video Expert
        Digital Video Expert
        • Apr 2002
        • 672

        not any that i know of. but there should be a usb adapter (look online for the adapter) that can change usb to s/video so you can get it to work. Try searching through www.pricewatch.com
        FFDShow filters
        Guliverkli's Media Player Classic

