I used rpc application before to reset the counter of my LG dvd player (laptop modell) but after a while I couldn´t use the program, got some error msg. So my player got locked at region 2. Now I wonder if you have any tips how I should solve this?
LG-DRN8080B region free probs
DRN8080B region with killrpc2000 issues
hey, robgus, you seem to have success with the killrpc2000, my drive is locked on region 2, when I downloaded killrpc2000 and ran it all I got was a window that says "Usage: killrpc2000 (DVD Drive Letter): for example killrpc2000 D:" but it didn't state how to do that. i have no clue.
I used to use RPCman1 and it worked perfectly, but then I had to format and lost the program and when I downloaded it agian, it doesn't do anything, it doesn't even see any drives to select from the pull down menu. what am I doing wrong? I have a dell cpi r running windows xp pro.Comment