I use WinDVD 4.0 on my WinXP platform. Most DVDs run fine, but sometimes during playback, the sound volume suddenly decreases, then slowly returns to its original value. Not like the volume setting in the player drops, you just hear the sound fade. This always happens with the same DVDs, at the same spots in the movie. Very annoying, especially when trying to rip the soundtrack off a concert. 
I have already tried upgrading my WinDVD package (previously I was running 2.1 - yes, I know...) and my sound drivers, nothing helps. I tried tweaking the thing with DVD Genie, to no avail. I can't make anything of it... Does anyone have an idea how I might solve this?
Thanks in advance,

I have already tried upgrading my WinDVD package (previously I was running 2.1 - yes, I know...) and my sound drivers, nothing helps. I tried tweaking the thing with DVD Genie, to no avail. I can't make anything of it... Does anyone have an idea how I might solve this?
Thanks in advance,