I do alot of video editing and i hope you bear with me as far as this is concerened. Playing back my raw footage in dv-avi mode i've come across a problem that just recently manifested itself.
Heres the deal ,when i'm playing back the files using windows media player , i see an array of lines horizontally across my screen which look like distortion ,or maybe a corrupted video file.
but my hint is that its a missing codec or something
could someone help me out ,i'm desperate.
Again its horizontal lines of distorion with fast moving objects in my movie files.
Heres the deal ,when i'm playing back the files using windows media player , i see an array of lines horizontally across my screen which look like distortion ,or maybe a corrupted video file.
but my hint is that its a missing codec or something
could someone help me out ,i'm desperate.
Again its horizontal lines of distorion with fast moving objects in my movie files.