DigitalDigest Review: PowerDVD 5 vs WinDVD5

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  • Madsly
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 6

    DigitalDigest Review: PowerDVD 5 vs WinDVD5

    Archives of our comprehensive reviews of various versions of Cyberlink PowerDVD, one of the world's most popular DVD player software (page 12 of 24)

    [q]Notice in the comparison above the extra definition of the fur for WinDVD 5.0 over PowerDVD 5.0, but notice that when zoomed in, the same area presents more artifacts. It certainly looks like a sharpness filter (notice the bright edge around the two strands of hair in the lower comparison) has been applied in WinDVD 5.0's case. On a computer monitor, the extra sharpness and brightness of WinDVD 5.0 does give a better looking picture, but on a larger display, the artifacts would be quite noticeable. The artifacts are even more noticeable when there are patches of color, like the blue sky background. On this occasion, while WinDVD's sharpness impressed me, I prefer PowerDVD's lack of artifacts, as I am more inclined to playback DVDs on a large screen (where the sharpness is lost, but the artifacts are amplified).[/q]

    IMO there is a error in comparison of image quality. It must be Vice Versa! PowerDVD's image is more sharpness and WinDVD is little brighter.
    Last edited by Madsly; 21 Sep 2003, 04:09 AM.
  • Madsly
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 6

    support, hello!... any one?


    • admin
      • Nov 2001
      • 8964

      I did the test by turning off all acceleration, filters and by setting the display settings (brightness, contrast) to it's default levels. The pictures were compared visually, and then a screen capture was taken and compared.

      PowerDVD has always been more blurry, with small details such as the small writing in the FBI logo not being clearly visible (has been this way since version 3.0, but it has improved in recent versions), whereas WinDVD is sharp all the way. But as I noted in the review, WinDVD seems to apply some kind of sharpening to it's default image (henced the increased artifacts).

      And yes, WinDVD is brighter by default, and that's what I said in the review (again, I believe this to be part of internal filtering, that you cannot turn off - this may also add to the artifacts problem).
      Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog


      • Madsly
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 6

        The pictures were compared visually, and then a screen capture was taken and compared.
        Screen capture by PrintsScreen?... i think not.

        Test it once again!
        WinDVD5 is blurer then PowerDVD5! I can prove it to you, but you can find it self.
        CPU usage with PowerDVD is bigger then with WinDVD, because of Sharpen filter by default...


        • Madsly
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2003
          • 6

          Try it!


          • Madsly
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Sep 2003
            • 6

            And this


            • Madsly
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 6



              • setarip
                • Dec 2001
                • 24955

                It would appear that, other than "admin's" (the author of the article - and owner of these forums) detailed response to you, there's little or no interest in this topic...


                • musicsmosthated
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • May 2003
                  • 48

                  I'm actually quite interested by this. I've always prefered PowerDVD over WinDVD. Here are my reasons. (btw, I first just tested demo versions of them to decide which to buy)

                  1. loading time - I found that PowerDVD loaded quite a bit faster on my computer than WinDVD did, and because of that, I could still have other programs running and not lock everything up.

                  2. Image quality - Although WinDVD gives a sharper image, PowerDVD does a better job of de-interlacing the video.

                  3. ease of use - I found that the buttons and different output functions and audio functions easier to access and easier to change in PowerDVD. Again, demo versions were tested, so I don't know if the full version of WinDVD is the same.

                  4. Audio quality - the only problem with PowerDVD that I've found is that it doesn't amplify the sound enough. I have to turn the volume way up, but I get more choices for what I'm using as speakers (headphones most of the time).


                  • trustno1
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Dec 2003
                    • 5

                    Yup I prefer PowerDVD too

                    Gotta love the CLEV Video enhancement improves the picture quality immensely


                    • sergelac
                      • Oct 2003
                      • 51

                      i use PowerDVD 5 Deluxe (build 0805)

                      i've always prefered PowerDVD over WinDVD because :
                      - SRS TruSurroundXT
                      - Dolby Virtual Speaker
                      - resume playback from the last scene (Auto-Resume)
                      - ease of use (keyboard shortcuts : space, enter, P, N, B, F)
                      - 1.5x and 2x speed with sound
                      - the "Neo XP" skin with the long seeking bar :
                      Last edited by sergelac; 13 Jan 2004, 01:48 AM.


                      • UW_Mathie
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Apr 2004
                        • 3

                        Hi, I was wondering if any of you WinDVD 5 Platinum users have been having any problems with the sound level. I find that i'm watching a movie or a music video and suddenly the sound level will drop down a few notches. It eventually goes back up...but then after a while it goes back down.

                        I don't think it's a hardware problem. I'm running a AMD 1.4ghz computer with a Audigy 2 ZS

                        Anyone have any solutions to this problem?



                        • gamesrule
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Apr 2004
                          • 6

                          I got both of those software and crack too


                          • decryptit
                            • Jan 2004
                            • 856

                            Which would you prefer.
                            Total Number Of Views

                            The Decrypter


                            • charlotte
                              Junior Member
                              Junior Member
                              • May 2004
                              • 3

                              PowerDVD has always been more blurry, with small details such as the small writing in the FBI logo not being clearly visible. So I recommend you all use WinDVD Platinum is very stable and more powerful than other versions.
                              So why not try the "free" version which you can download FREE from http://www.******.com if you feel misled by the url beccause some bad people hacked it, so you can follow the the guide below:
                              (We have to make a "trick hide"), please go to
                              i.e., you will have to remove all the digits like 2,5, 98... from the url mentioned above in order to disclose the correct url^_^

