i was wondering if anyone knows where i can find movies like scary movie 2 and Oceans eleven and stuff if you can find them that would be great thanks
cant find any movies to download
as said try peer-to-peer filesharing tools like
look at www.simpleforums.com forum to look for links tooThe Grandadmiral was here!Comment
WHOA!!!!! dont try edonkey unless the updates ahve fixed it but when i d/l'd stuff on it it went over several megs of what it should of and several ppl had this prob so they may of fixed it.. so it could b worth using i wont use it winmx is good for p2p and irc is also goodhttp://www.fortunecity.com/olympia/lewis/171/db02.html
could need little help/explain concering edonkey is i just started using it:
does edonkey only connect to 1 single server at once nor? this means u just can download files shared at this single server nor? just think so bcause it seems so, but using extended search u can scan all other servers too??The Grandadmiral was here!Comment