I am running shrink vs 3.2 with nero express and dvd decrypter, and I have been having trouble since I upgraded my system with new hard-drives. I did a complete re-install of Windows and everything is perfect.
or as perfect as windows can be...... I decrypt the dvd in file mode in dvd decrypter to a file, I then open the file in shrink and backup the files to a blank dvd using nero express. Everything works fine, the disk burns and plays perfect on my computer. The problem is that when I place it in my home dvd player it won't load. I have been trying very hard for two-weeks and have tried many things to get the disc region free or region 1 since I live in the USA, but they won't play. I have even taken the old disc that play fine on the dvd player that I have previously backed up and tried to re-burn them. Some burn ok and some don't ..... It's like DVD Shrink is just doing what it wants..... Every Disc I decrypt Right now and shrink and burn .... no matter what it is ,,,, WILL NOT PLAY IN ANY REGULAR DVD PLAYERS...... I am thinking my problem is in dvd shrink, maybe the compression is a factor.... Please help ..........!