Ive burnt this twice and the same thing happens, while playing periodically this symbol for camera angle pops up on the screen for a while then goes away and comes and goes all through the movie. I used dvd decrypter and shrink. I noticed while watching the preview window in shrink that when I would see the camera angle symbol shrink shows that the video commentary shows up so I was thinking their is a connection? can I rip out the commentary or something else? thank you for any help
without a paddle camera angle prob.
Ok I have a Pioneer that does the same exact thing. Its an easy fix. The reason it does that is simple, what its trying to tell you when that little symbol pops up is, that scene was shot in different angles. How I fixed it on mine was I went into the "Angle Indicator" setting, in the "Setup" menu and just turned it off via the remote control. Explore the buttons on your remote or find the owners manual to the DVD player.Comment