I'm a bit stumped and could do with a wonder solution to be honest
It turns out that you are exactly correct there taelon and I had inserted the wrong number into the command. I'd been thinking about why my hard drive was on the secondary master IDE channel and resultantly put this into the command when I should have put in "0".
So, i flashed the drive with 0 in the command line and it worked a treat. I've just checked my drive with nero infotool and the region control tab shows up as RPC I - so I'll take this to mean that it has all worked.
The final test was to use a DVD and see if it worked. It loaded exactly the way as before with a prompt appearing on powerDVD asking me to change the region of my drive so I did to region 2 and instead of saying it was unable to do so, it changed instantly and the DVD started playing. I've tested te drive with numerous other DVD's and they all play fine so it would seem that my DVD Drive is region free while my computer thinks it is region 2. This suits me fine as all my DVD's are region 2.
If at any point in the future I need to use a DVD of a different region I can use a software program such as "DVD region free".
I must say a big thank you to the both of you for the advice you've given me over the past week or so. You've been a great help and this resource of coming to this particular forum with a DVD problem and getting profeshional advice is just excellent. And its amazing that its free as well. So I thank the both of you very much indeed.

Thanks again folks and all the best in the future.