hello efery1

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  • larryblueflame
    new member old git
    • Feb 2006
    • 1

    hello efery1

    hi all new "old boy" here trying to get a dvd to play on my pc but no go yet it plays on every other dvd player in the house
    but pc plays all other dvd's even ones i bought from thailand and portugal assistance advice appreciated
  • daveyb182
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2006
    • 5

    Might be a daft question, but you mention that you can play DVD's from Thailand etc. Is this a Region 2 DVD you are trying to play? Have you perhaps locked your DVD player on your PC on another Region. Most PC's now with Windows XP will give you up to 4 chances to define your region on your DVD player. You can find this out on the Properties of your DVD player in My computer. There will be a tab which will tell you what region the DVD player is on, and how many chances you have until you lock the region. check this out if you have locked the region on your DVd player, and its on a region other than the one you want it to be on then there will be nothing you can do to change this, even if you try using a region killer, or reinstalling windows.

    Have a look at this and see if this helps . Good Luck.


