Power dvd 4.0 Deluxe on win xp

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  • tequila sunrise
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2001
    • 8

    Power dvd 4.0 Deluxe on win xp

    I put the same topic on junior members but still no answer might be a reading site.I'm stuck I'm mad I can not fix it so I need help.If any smart guy is around please read this: Win XP HP Athlon 1 Ghz 250 MB RAM , ATI Radeon DDR Vivo 64 Mb, Power DVD 4.0 Deluxe, Nero 5.6 for XP, Direct X 8.1 for XP.Everything is up to date the latest is ATI Media center with no DVD player 7.2.The blody problem is : when I play a movie or a video file AVI or else I have on dark color picture some red spots.Removing the acceleration is gone but I can not watch any movies.Power DVD 4.0 is fantastic cristal picture and sound exept my red spots.If anybody can help me please do it if not thanx for reading.
  • glusiu
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2001
    • 2

    I have another problem with xp.Everything is up side down!!!


    • admin
      • Nov 2001
      • 8963

      For the upside down problem, this Microsoft article may give some hints as to why this happens (at least with AVI files) :

      This is what I found from a message board :

      Windows Media 8 enables you to set a registry key that will flip the video so that it displays correctly. By default this feature is disabled. To enable this feature, use the registry editor to locate the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Scrunch\WMVid eo\Vertical Flip Packed YUV, and then set the DWORD value of this registry key to 1.
      As for "tequila sunrise"'s problem, you should still be able to playback DVDs/DivX without acceleration turned on (acceleration is essential only for older and much slower machines) - this may suggest video overlay support is not present - PowerDVD 4.0 should have came with a Diagnostic tool - use it and see what FPS you get for each of the overlays - most, if not all, of the overlays should be supported, and you should be getting closer to 100 FPS - if you are not getting this, this could still associated to problems with the video card driver or compatibility within XP. Remember to set your video resolution to 1024x768 or something sensible, and try with both 16-bit and 32-bit colors.
      Visit Digital Digest and dvdloc8.com, My Blog


      • tequila sunrise
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Nov 2001
        • 8

        dvd player

        Thanx for info looks like a driver problem and ATI still did not make a DVD player for XP and the only driver they have is still buggy.


        • kdiaz
          • Dec 2001
          • 71

          that's why no one should use a new OS until at least the 2nd release...

          by then most of the bugs and driver compatibility issues are resolved by then...

          If you want the new stuff right away...there's always a price!!

