Mpeg4 capable dvd players

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  • Deus
    Super Member
    Super Member
    • Nov 2001
    • 284

    Mpeg4 capable dvd players

    i have heard things about Dvd players that will play MPEG4. Have I just been imagining it or is this actuallly coming out?
  • DIVXsubs
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2002
    • 2

    As far as i know, No standalone DVD Player support DivX (...yet)


    • Deus
      Super Member
      Super Member
      • Nov 2001
      • 284

      Yea I realise that but I have heard things about Dvd Players playing DivX 5


      • DIVXsubs
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • May 2002
        • 2

        Well i think that this might be true.. DVD players already support Mp3 and VCD / sVCD.. so why wouldnt they support DIVX. I'll be the first to buy one if they do.

        It would be AWESOME if they also support subtitles to play with it!


        • Batman
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • Jan 2002
          • 2317

          An mpeg 4 or divx player would indeed by "awesome." However, unfortunately, not technical, but legal issues are stopping the deployment of mpeg 4. Until these are conclusively sorted out, its unlikely a mpeg 4 player will be manufactured.

          Alternatively, companies have invested a lot in the dvd (mpeg 2) format, they'll want to make lots of money off of it, before moving on


          • snakefist100
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • May 2002
            • 9

            The Reason for illegal Dvd Copying

            If the companies that made DVD's weren't so god damn greedy, hence $30 a DVD charge, you wouldn't have people making things like DECSS and so on. A DVD costs about 50 cents to make and they want to make over 300% back for it. Well, to me that's just pure greed. A DVD should cost no more than the maximum $10 maybe $15. Once they work out the human greed element (Which will be never) maybe people will stop making so called illegal copies of DVD's.


            • Batman
              Lord of Digital Video
              Lord of Digital Video
              • Jan 2002
              • 2317

              I remember in the Simpsons episode, "TRASH OF THE TITANS" an executive of a company, claims "we've made enough money"....he's then fired and brutally kicked out. The big companies, its all about money, and makin' lots of it no matter how

