How I solved the pauses on my system

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  • Kanda'
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2002
    • 1

    How I solved the pauses on my system


    She who must be obeyed (the wife for all you non-Boortz listeners) got me a Hi-Val DVD-ROM for xmas with a few titles to enjoy. But I had terrible problems getting the audio to play without problems (latest drivers solved that one) and every 4-5 minutes the video would freeze for anywhere from a few seconds to upto 5 minutes. Sometimes causing the player to abort playback. I searched in futility all over the net looking for a solution to this problem to no avail. However the other day I found a neat little utility in a magazine cd (PC-Utilities) that seems to have solved this annoying problem. All I did was set the spin down speed from 4 minutes to 16 seconds. And it seems the problem was solved. I played Phantom Menace for the 1st time WITHOUT the annoying freezes and hangs in the saber scenes ! So I plonked in the Notorious Braveheart which was infamous, on my system at least, and went to the scene where he's riding into the village to combat the evil local lord. This scene previously was guarenteed to either lock up the system for 5 minutes (powerDVD) or crash altogether (winDVD) or get out of sync (interactual etc). All I got were a few minor hickups lasting no more than half second max... Wicked cool...

    Now, can anyone actually explain WHY this fixed it?

  • jbeck
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2002
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    Hi Kanda, I just recently purchased a vaio rx651, with the exact same problem. The folks that sold it to me did a complete system restore, that may have screwed it up. How do I fix it? What application did you use and where can it be found? There's been a couple of other posts about the 4 minute freeze, there must be a solid fix for it. I don't think it is defective dvd roms because they all freeze at about 4 minutes. Mine runs audio about a minute or so longer than it stops. Close windvd and reopen and it works fine.

    Not sure how you slow down the spin rate... is that in the application you found?

    Any help appreciated,...



    • rr2000
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jun 2002
      • 6

      I've the same problem. Need help urgent!


      • jbeck
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jun 2002
        • 2

        This can be fixed. After not finding any answers for this I went to microsoft to get a win xp update. This was the first time I have done this on the problem machine. After system scan they recommended a critical update that applies to ide drives and the chkdsk.exe or something like that. Apparently the check disk application does not start as it should. After update everything works fine. Do the update, start/ all programs / windows update .. it should be fine...

