Scratch the drive???

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  • wsjb78
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2002
    • 2

    Scratch the drive???


    following happened to me:

    1.) I bought a new notebook and it's got a Toshiba SD-C2502 DVD-Rom in it

    2.) As a few times before I looked here for some firmware upgrades to make it code free.

    3.) I did try to apply the patch and the first patch that seemed to work ok was the X113.
    However, upon starting WinDVD or PowerDVD my notebook kept freezing. I couldn't even start the DVD although everything else seemed to work fine.

    4.) I then thought I should try out the other patches. Maybe one of those worked.

    5.) When trying to apply the X215 patch it didn't complete. In DOS mode I got for over half an hour the message that it's comparing now. Unfortunately I did then reboot my system because I didn't think it'll still do something.

    6.) Upon reboot I only get the error message that the fixed optical drive cannot be found. I won't either appear in Win2000.

    7.) I tried to apply another of the patched firmware. I start that flashing programm and also assign the firmaware to be used. Upon checking the IDE drives it now only flashes *UNKOWN ROM TYPE* endlessly.

    Any idea what I can do or do I have to scratch this drive?

  • wsjb78
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jun 2002
    • 2

    Well, noone answered yet. I may have discovered an alternative. In the readme there's following text:
    PC, TOSHIBA CD/DVD-ROM drive, ******.hex (appropriate F/W file)

    1- Make sure that TOSHIBA CD/DVD-ROM drive is connected.
    2- Run PC by MS-DOS mode.
    3- Copy "VUPXX.EXE" & "******.HEX" to some directory in HDD.
    4- Type "VUPXX ******.HEX" then hit RETURN-KEY.
    5- Program finishes with the message of "Comparison : GOOD"

    [Command line options]
    -h[elp] : Display HELP Message
    -v[ersion] : Display VUP Version
    -irq (0 to F) : Set IRQ level by hexadecimal number.
    -prt (Port No.) : Set I/O port address by hexadecimal number.
    ***** Specify both options (-irq and -prt) if use *****
    -a[uto] : Auto mode. (Non-interactive)
    *The utility does not prompt to input "Y/N".
    -c[ontinue] : Flash continuously. (if many drives are connected)
    *Finishing flash procedure, it returns to the initial
    stage automatically.
    (0 to 7) : Designate ID. (0rimary/Master -- 7:Quatenary/Slave)
    (HEX file name) : Omitting the file name, the default name of "ROM.Hex" is used.
    It may work to flash the drive once more when I can assign the ID to it. It's running as secondary slave. However, any parameter I tried to add did not work. What would be the proper command line?
    I used like "vup100k 4 *.hex" and "vup100k /4 *.hex" and "vup100k -4 *.hex" and "vup100k *.hex 4" and some others... none of those were accepted. Any help on this?



    • joegib
      Gold Member
      Gold Member
      • Dec 2001
      • 136

      I'm afraid you've learned the hard way that you cannot flash Toshiba laptop firmwares indiscriminately. Although they are nominally for a single model drive, they are customised for different laptop machines. For instance, the IDE setting is encoded in the firmware (you can't change this with jumpers). Some laptops have 2 IDE buses so can accept a DVD drive with "Master" firmware. Other laptops have only a single IDE bus so the drive firmware must be encoded as "Slave". Install "Master" firmware on one of these latter and the laptop has an IDE conflict and won't start. That's just an example.

      I don't have one of these drives so I can't give direct help. Suggest you browse the threads on this site (using the good "Search" tool) to see if it provides any help:

