I'm running Win 98 SE on a 500 Mhz PIII with a Pioneer DVD-ROM DVD-114, DirectX version 8.1. The original NVidia TNT2 (16Meg) card went out on me, so Gateway sent me a GeoForce2 MX 200 (32Meg) as a replacement. Data and music CDs are fine, but now the two DVD players (Ravisent Cinemaster 99 and InterActual Player 2.02) can't play DVDs. The programs start up fine, and there's a brief introduction from the DVD, but after about 5 seconds both of them freeze up and stop responding (Ctrl-Alt-Del to End Task). I've uninstalled and reinstalled the players and GeoForce and monitor drivers, still the same problem. Tech support thinks I should reinstall the OS, but that sounds rather drastic. Any ideas? Thanx.
