How to set the default streams in Nero Recode 2
Change the streams:
In this example I have merged two titles in Nero Recode 2 and only have one soundstream and one subpicture. In this example I want the sound to be selected as default and the subpicture to be hidden. If I want to see the subpictures when I watch the movie, I have to use the remote control and select it there.
For this purpose we are going to use the freeware tool IfoEdit.

Install the program IfoEdit. See screenshot of the program below:

In this example there is only one VTS_01_0.IFO. If you have several titles - you need to apply the fix on every VTS_01_X.IFO in your project.
This is how you identify and set subpictures (subtitles) to be displayed automatically.
Right-clicking the main window of your software player, while playing the movie, should give you access to a menu showing the subpicture stream being played by default.

In the first example (WinDVD) the stream to "force" in Nero Recode 2 would be: "3. English".

In the second example (Nero Showtime) the stream to "force" in Nero Recode 2 would be: "8. English".
Thanks to ddlooping for additional graphics and to jmet for the proof-reading.
Change the streams:
In this example I have merged two titles in Nero Recode 2 and only have one soundstream and one subpicture. In this example I want the sound to be selected as default and the subpicture to be hidden. If I want to see the subpictures when I watch the movie, I have to use the remote control and select it there.
For this purpose we are going to use the freeware tool IfoEdit.

Install the program IfoEdit. See screenshot of the program below:

In this example there is only one VTS_01_0.IFO. If you have several titles - you need to apply the fix on every VTS_01_X.IFO in your project.
- Start IfoEdit.
- Press the button 'Open'.
- Select the file 'VTS_01_0.IFO.
- Double-click on the 'VTS-PGCITI' (Video Title Set program Chain Information Table).
- This will show you one or several different VTS_PGC_X's. In this example there is two. So you need to apply the changes in both of those. We will start with the first one.
- Click on the VTS_PCG_1
- In the lower window of the program - scroll down until you see this section - 'PGC Command Tables'.
Your screen should look like this:
This is also how it looks if you have selected these settings in DVD Shrink - see picture below:
- Right-click on the row '1. Post Command'.
You will now see this menu:
- Select the option 'Add PreCommand'.
- Do this twice so you end up with two new 'Pre Command' rows.
You should now have two new 'Pre Command' rows as in the picture below.
- Rigth-click on the first new 'Pre Command' row you have created.
You will now see this menu:
- Select the option 'Edit Command'. This will bring you to this menu:
Select the '(SetSTN) Set Audio Stream Nr' and set the 'Stream' to '0'.
- Now select the second new row you previously created and right-click on that row. This will bring you to this menu:
Scroll down and select the '(SetSTN) Set Subpicture Stream Nr' and set the 'Stream' to '0' and 'On/Off:' to what you desire.
If you want the subpictures to show automatic when you play the movie - use 'On' and if you want them to be off as default - select 'Off'.
Now it should look like this:
- If you have more than one VTS_PGC in your VTS_0X.0.IFO file - in this example there is two (VTS_PGC_1 and VTS_PGC_2) - then you need to apply the same changes to VTS_PGC_2 as you did with VTS_PGC_1. You also need to do the same if you have more than one VTS_01_X.IFO file.
- When you have done all the changes - press the button 'Save'.
- Exit the program and burn your project.
- The first time you try this solution - use a RW disc - if something went wrong - you don't need to waste any disc's.
This is how you identify and set subpictures (subtitles) to be displayed automatically.
Right-clicking the main window of your software player, while playing the movie, should give you access to a menu showing the subpicture stream being played by default.

In the first example (WinDVD) the stream to "force" in Nero Recode 2 would be: "3. English".

In the second example (Nero Showtime) the stream to "force" in Nero Recode 2 would be: "8. English".
Thanks to ddlooping for additional graphics and to jmet for the proof-reading.