I have a Compaq Presario, P4 1.3 Ghz. I was using the Compaq Installed WINDVD to play ripped VOB files. It was working great until yesterday and now when I pull up Playlist it will not let me select VOB files, but will let me select the AVI files. Can someone tell me what happened? Why was it allowing me to play the VOB files and then just stop allowing it. Any help would be appreciated. This is version 2.8. It is a true Intervideo WinDvd program. Plays everything else perfectly. Thanks again.
WINDVD Not Playing VOB Files
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Thanks SETARIP but I tried that as well but to no avail. I have DVD Genie but unsure of what all this program will do. This is really funny because I can't find any problem on any of the forums I have tried that relate to this problem. I thought it might be common but evidently not. Since I don't have the software (OEM INSTALLED), I can't delete and re-install the program. Maybe I'll order the software and try that, seems to be the only fix for this problem. Thanks again.Comment