I have a All in Wonder (PCI, RageII) and a DVD LG.
Every time I try to play a DVD title, using power DVD 3.0 or ZoomPlayer, the TV Out feature is disabled, and the windows shows the following message: " Video Copy Protection - Your TV output is disabled during DVD playback. If you want to enable it again you can do so from Display Properties, after DVD playback is finished."
So I can't watch my DVDs on the TV!!!.
I´ve had the same problem with a GeForce 2 MX 200 AGP, but I managed to solve it using a soft called Tv Tool, but it only works with Nvidia shipsets.
Can someone help me?
Every time I try to play a DVD title, using power DVD 3.0 or ZoomPlayer, the TV Out feature is disabled, and the windows shows the following message: " Video Copy Protection - Your TV output is disabled during DVD playback. If you want to enable it again you can do so from Display Properties, after DVD playback is finished."
So I can't watch my DVDs on the TV!!!.
I´ve had the same problem with a GeForce 2 MX 200 AGP, but I managed to solve it using a soft called Tv Tool, but it only works with Nvidia shipsets.
Can someone help me?