Attorney General

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  • ToiletDuck
    • Jul 2002
    • 72

    Attorney General

    Did everyone read on the new yesterday that many lawyers went to the Attorney General and are asking him to make file sharing of copyrighted material illegal. That they are asking for possible jailtime for anyone that is caught using kazaa or morpheus to download mp3's, movies, or other files without consent from the company that owns the copyright to it.

  • onerose
    • Nov 2001
    • 96

    land of the free and the home of the brave!!!! the next thing is that you will not be able to loan your dvd's & cd's to friends with out fear of going to jail (this law will never happen) hell i have police and judges as friends they are my best customers (err) i just loaned (err)gave a copy of signs to a judge, if they make laws like this and we stop buying there products they will be lobbing to give us this stuff so don't be scared, keep on selling(err)loaning (err) giving them away


    • ToiletDuck
      • Jul 2002
      • 72

      Well I was just thinking that it's us that pay the taxs and when some 100 million or 50 million people use kazaa and morpheus they can't put that many in jail. Taxes will go throught the roof overnight for law enforcement and then we will riot, and protest, murder, do whatever to get our free mp3.


      • benedict
        Lord of the 4th Estate
        • Jun 2002
        • 139

        DAMN IT! Don't get me started on politics!

        1) Ashcroft does not make laws. He merely enforces them. It's Congress you have to worry about. Normally, I'd say you had to worry about the President too on something like this, but since we already know Bush'll sign anything of this sort, why worry about anything that is already decided.

        2) Ashcroft already has his feet on so many banana peals it's rediculous, and the Administration is eyeing him as a potential sacrificial lamb. They are figuring they might need one soon. If they do, bye-bye Johnnie.

        All that said, don't even debate me on this. I will not respond. I come here for my video stuff. I go elsewhere for my politics.

        And I use this same name there too in case you are interested.
        It may look like I'm doing nothing, but actually, at a cellular level I'm quite busy.

