2 Pass????

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  • V10
    • Aug 2002
    • 84

    2 Pass????

    Ok, i'm getting it almost now, but i've got still
    one question:

    why is it important to do a 2 pass rip!!! What is it exactly????

    Acidrop sad to do this so I'm trying it home now and i will see the result tomorrow, but once again what is it a two pass rip???

    ( Thanks to Acidrop for the tip, i hope it works!! )

    C Ya
    We all have to learn!!
  • benedict
    Lord of the 4th Estate
    • Jun 2002
    • 139

    In single pass, the encoding will start with a lower bitrate (lesser quality) and end with a higher bitrate (better quality). Why does it do this? Because it only knows what the video looks like as far as it has processed it and errs on the conservative side so that it doesn't run out of room. Later on when (if) it finds it was too consevative at the start, it ups the bitrate and the end of your video making the end look better than the beginning.

    In two-pass, the first pass merely scans your input video and keeps stats on it to pass on to the second pass where the actual encoding occurs. This allows the second pass to maintain a more consistant bitrate during the encode, giving the output a "smoother" quality throughout.
    It may look like I'm doing nothing, but actually, at a cellular level I'm quite busy.


    • V10
      • Aug 2002
      • 84

      thanks, it is much clearer now for me!!

      but cant it be done in just one time???


      We all have to learn!!


      • Mark Madness
        • May 2002
        • 90

        No it can't. The whole purpose of 2-pass is so the cpu knows exactly where to allocate the most bits. On 1-pass, the CPU has no idea what kind of video you are encoding.


        • benedict
          Lord of the 4th Estate
          • Jun 2002
          • 139

          I might be mistaken, but I think V10's question is really, "Fine, I'll use 2-pass, but why do I have to go in twice to get that done? Why can't I just go in and specify 2-pass and come back later with a 2-pass encoding completed?"

          Stated that way, it's an interesting question that I don't have an answer to. So far as I'm aware, no one much goes in and analyzes the output from pass-1 before starting pass-2. If there's a reason, fine, but why not also offer the "specify once" option since it's likely that most people would opt for that?

          It may look like I'm doing nothing, but actually, at a cellular level I'm quite busy.


          • V10
            • Aug 2002
            • 84

            It makes much more sence to me now!!!

            Thanks Guys!!!!

            ( Iv'e bin rippin last night for the first time with 2 Pass, and can't wait till i see the result!!!!)


            We all have to learn!!

