Mp3 format on a DVD disc

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  • number1spark
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jul 2002
    • 3

    Mp3 format on a DVD disc

    I've just burn't a number of alblums in mp3 format onto a dvd

    1-They play in the Media player no problem

    BUT They will not play in myhome DVD player in which I can play mp3 on a cd disc

    Any idea's how I can get them to play on my home dvd player or even in power DVD

  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    I'm afraid you're out of luck...


    "To test if MP3-enabled DVD-Video players could indeed read compressed audio files from DVD discs, I recorded a couple of suitably formatted DVD-Rs and tried them in a dozen name-brand DVD-Video players. The results were not encouraging. Most of the units returned cryptic messages declaring that the discs were unrecognizable while one ill-mannered player had the audacity to lock-up. Surely, manufacturers can't be that short-sighted when they design their products. Phone calls to some of the companies involved confirmed my worst suspicions. Most seemed genuinely puzzled at the suggestion that anyone would want to play MP3 tracks from DVD discs.

    The inability of MP3-enabled DVD-Video devices to play compressed audio from writable DVD discs reflects a design limitation which also prevents units from reading DVD-Video content written on CD-R and CD-RW discs. Even though a disc may be recorded in the correct logical format and contain supported filetypes, the DVD-Video player is programmed to accommodate only a few format possibilities based on the physical construction of a disc. As soon as a player determines that a CD has been loaded, the machine assumes it to be a Red Book audio disc or, in some cases a VideoCD or MP3 CD-R/RW. Similarly, when the player encounters a DVD, it presumes that the disc is a DVD-Video title."

