Annoying Signs in the Corners of Movies

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  • Wise_Reeper
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2002
    • 3

    Annoying Signs in the Corners of Movies

    Hello! I really enjoy downloading movies off the internet and I have over 40 of them. The main beef I have with downloading the movies is that sometimes you get peoples code names or group affiliations in the corners or someplace on the movie screen. This totally ruins the movie for me. Does anyone know how to get rid of those signs? I have tried to edit in Adobe Premiere but it won't open the files and even if it did open the files I wouldn't know how to fix the problem. Secondly, I have tried using VirtualDub to uncompress the movie but every time 4 GB of the movie is decompressed it tells me that my harddrive cannot handle files bigger than 4 GBs. I have a 100 GB harddrive with an 8 MB Cache and 7200 RPM. It uses the 32 FAT files system. Is there any way to alter my drive to accept bigger files?

    I would greatly appreciate any help!
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    I guess the folks who go to the trouble of ripping and converting the movies and then making them available to you and others for free on the 'Net feel they have the right to put their logos on their efforts...


    • Wise_Reeper
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2002
      • 3

      Annoying Signs

      First off, I have never found it very difficult to rip movies and I have ripped about 5 of my own movies. Secondly, if you feel it is a terrible burden to rip movies and you need some credit for it then just stick a two second opening image of your sign and leave it at that. Why brand the entire movie when really you are in effect hurting the viewing quality of the movie you so dilligently worked at creating. I myself am apposed to having group symbols at all. I would much rather rip the full movie and leave it the way it was meant to be viewed. I know most movies are not meant to be viewed on a computer but oh well. If you have any advice please leave it. If you are just going to complain about why I want the information I have requested then just don't reply as you are wasting your time.


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        "If you have any advice please leave it. If you are just going to complain about why I want the information I have requested then just don't reply as you are wasting your time."

        Only as an attempt to calm you down, I'll let you know that I personally neither download videos from the Internet, nor do I make my own compressed versions (of DVDs that I own) available to others on the Internet.

        I was simply conveying to you that "creators" of compressed video have the prerogative of adding/deleting whatever they choose to their efforts.

        Additionally, as far as "efforts" go, make the effort to search these forums for the word "logo", if you want an answer to your question ;>}


        • benedict
          Lord of the 4th Estate
          • Jun 2002
          • 139

          @ Wise_Reeper: You might also try the word "delogo".

          @ setarip: Tough to get those newb's in shape, isn't it? Glad it's your job and not mine!
          It may look like I'm doing nothing, but actually, at a cellular level I'm quite busy.


          • Wise_Reeper
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Sep 2002
            • 3


            Thank you for giving me the idea of using the search button. Remember though, things always seem obvious when you know about them. I appreciate your help and I have located what I was looking for. I have also found that taking out non-moving logos is really easy with the right software.

            Oh, I am a newbie to this forum but not to computers just new to multimedia editing.


            • setarip
              • Dec 2001
              • 24955

              "Thank you for giving me the idea of using the search button."

              My pleasure ;>}

              (By the way, be advised that, contrary to what's indicated in the post of another, I am merely a poster to this forum...)

