I've been trying to make avisynth work with sound using beta 3, 4 and 5, using all kind of VD hacks but no can do. There is just plain no sound. So, I say, Ok, lets rip off the wav and open it with AVIsynth and then dub them with audiodub. But when I try to open any wav file avisynth reports "AVIFILESouce: couldn't open file" and gives the line number which open the wav. Here is my script:
video1 = DirectShowSource("C:\Program Files\Morpheus\My Shared Folder\Popular_movie.avi",fps=23.972)
audio1 = WAVSource("D:\My Videos\DivX\Popular_Movie\Soundfile.wav")
Does any, anywhere in the world, know hoe the heck, squeeze sound out of avisynth?
I'm using windows 2000.