After reading the Swede's message about defeating macrovision, I then tried it using Dazzle Digital Video Creator which can be purchased at Comp USA, Circuit City and Best Buy for as little as $99.00. I have had this device for several years using it to copy movies and tv programs to my hard drive for screen capture shots and storing movies and outputing movies to VCD format for playing on any DVD player that supports VCD format. This device has audio and video inputs and video output. Here is the simple trick to defeat Macrovision copyguard. I recently purchased a Panasonic DVD recorder to copy my VHS tapes and my DVD collection onto DVD. I also have the black box which can defeat macrovision from VHS to
DVD however it will not do it from DVD to DVD because of the level of copyguard on DVD movies. This black box called the RXII can be purchased for as little as $29.00. Here is how you can defeat macrovision copyguard from VHS to DVD or DVD to DVED.
1. Take the Audio Out from your DVD player to the DVD recorder.
2. Take the Video Out from the DVD player to the Dazzle Video In.
3. Take the Video Out from Dazzle to
the Video In of the DVD recorder
4. Bingo, you can copy anything you want. I now can copy DVD to DVD and the picture is purfect like a store bought copy. Thanks to the Swede, there is more than one way to skin a cat.
DVD however it will not do it from DVD to DVD because of the level of copyguard on DVD movies. This black box called the RXII can be purchased for as little as $29.00. Here is how you can defeat macrovision copyguard from VHS to DVD or DVD to DVED.
1. Take the Audio Out from your DVD player to the DVD recorder.
2. Take the Video Out from the DVD player to the Dazzle Video In.
3. Take the Video Out from Dazzle to
the Video In of the DVD recorder
4. Bingo, you can copy anything you want. I now can copy DVD to DVD and the picture is purfect like a store bought copy. Thanks to the Swede, there is more than one way to skin a cat.