video editing question with premiere

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  • summers
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2002
    • 2

    video editing question with premiere

    hello, a newbie question but not too far fetched i hope

    i saw the edited starwars lightsaber video and i thought it was pretty good for a sample.
    ive read the faq and have noticed that it included to say that one could make laser effects from a gun as well. i think thats a great idea.

    but my idea is a little bit more of a jump from that idea.
    im thinking of making a movie with me and a bunch of friends. [we're proffessionals, not moronic kids]

    could i use premiere to add sparks to two clashing objects such as two metallic bars or swords? [like when two metal blades touch, to make a spark release from between them]
    and would it also be possible to completly change the background someone was in? like in japanimation, when a character realizes something, the background changes to a wild animation.

    along with that can i use the morphology technique to change the environment my character is standing in to something different?? like if he were standing in a room then it morph to outside [if the person and angles were exactly the same in both environments]

    i got this site url from a friend and thought it was great. what other possible video editing things can i do with adobe premiere [already mentioned: lightsaber, laser gun]

    thanks in advance
    Last edited by summers; 1 Dec 2002, 03:24 PM.
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    For "professionals who aren't moronic kids", I'd suggest that you do a Google search for (on one line) "Adobe Premiere" AND "special effects". Doing so, regardless of your perceived status in life, will provide you with a plethora of sites, including the following:

    This page describes one technique for making a fake Police ID warrant card for use as a film prop.

    which contains a veritable cornucopia of achievable special effects (flash, boom, bang!).

    By the way, PROFESSIONAL is spelled with only one "F" ;>}


    • summers
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Dec 2002
      • 2

      thanks set,
      i said we were professionals not english majors!


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        "thanks set"

        My pleasure - and I sincerely hope you find the suggested link(s) useful ;>}

        I guess you didn't "read between the lines". These boards are open to all, regardless of skill level, age, gender, or native tongue. As a consequence, I assure you that there are many (particularly those who feel compelled to accompany their screennames with "adorable" little graphic images) who might take offense at your reference to "moronic kids" - accurate or otherwise...

