still having some audio troubles

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  • miles6699
    • Nov 2002
    • 65

    still having some audio troubles

    I've now ripped 5 dvd's all using gordian knot, nice program but i like to be a little different than the heard..all my avi's are 2 disc and all encoded with ac3 audio. i followed the gudie for gk 5.x. now i've been told that my p2 400 can't handle the files (decoding) but ive recently aquired 5th element with ac3 audio 2 discs and it plays fine. is there something special that i can do in virtual dub or a setting in gk to toggle that will help? the only ripp i've made that worked out was with the alpha 3.1 codec by mistake. most of my copies run at 190-240k/s is this a problem?
    If at first you don't succeed get a BIGGER hammer !
  • miles6699
    • Nov 2002
    • 65

    ps i voted already

    If at first you don't succeed get a BIGGER hammer !


    • Batman
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • Jan 2002
      • 2317

      When playing back the probelmatic files, what is the cpu load?

      If it is high, you can try the following:

      1) use a less cpu intensive player such as BSPLAYER
      2) reduce colour depth and/or desktop area
      3) Turn off all non-essential applications


      • miles6699
        • Nov 2002
        • 65

        ive tried various players windows media 7.1 being the worst on memory and always everything else is turned off it doesn't change. i was wondering if i passed the avi thru virtualdub again would this help? ive downloaded the ac3 pack for virtualdub i don't know if it will help but if i try to re-dub what should i check?
        If at first you don't succeed get a BIGGER hammer !


        • miles6699
          • Nov 2002
          • 65

          also wondering is bitrate a factor??? higer bitrate must mean more decompression of video. if i used the alpha 3.1 codec which produces a lower quality image because of a lower grade compression then it should be easier for cpu decompression as well...or not???
          If at first you don't succeed get a BIGGER hammer !


          • Enchanter
            Old member
            • Feb 2002
            • 5417

            Originally posted by miles6699
            also wondering is bitrate a factor???
            Yes, it is.

            Originally posted by miles6699
            if i used the alpha 3.1 codec which produces a lower quality image because of a lower grade compression then it should be easier for cpu decompression as well...or not???
            Are you accusing SBC of creating lower-quality image?

            By the way, what exactly is your "audio trouble"? I don't see anything like that in the thread.


            • miles6699
              • Nov 2002
              • 65

              audio trouble

              I'm sorry if i jumped right over the problem. My audio trouble is synchronization. The video is behind the audio. The gap is not constant, it varies, usualy if i fast forward it with the slider it gets worse. I'm using wmp 7.01 for a player but it does the same thing with asusdvd......PS what is SBC....I'm
              If at first you don't succeed get a BIGGER hammer !


              • miles6699
                • Nov 2002
                • 65

                audi sync

                i think an earlier post may have answered my question. divx3 is easier to decode.( that is what meant to say earlier). if it is easier to decode then my wimpy computer can handle the file easier and smoother.......yes/no??
                If at first you don't succeed get a BIGGER hammer !


                • Enchanter
                  Old member
                  • Feb 2002
                  • 5417

                  To fix an off-synch audio, you can do the following:
                  1. Load up AVI file in Virtual/nandub
                  2. Set both Video and Audio tabs to Direct Stream Copy
                  3. Under Audio, go to Interleave and input the appropriate value in the 'Delay audio track by x ms' box
                  4. Go to File -> Save as AVI and give a name to the new file

                  In the case of the audio gradually getting more and more off-synch from the video, add the following step prior to saving the file:
                  -. Under Video, go to Frame Rate and select "Change so video and audio durations match (you should see a value similar to the original frame rate).

                  Keep in mind that it is not necessarily the AVI file that is problematic, but rather your CPU that is probably too slow (400MHz is just that slow by today's standards). The only way you can reduce the burden on the CPU while decoding is to follow what Batman outlined (except for the desktop colour depth, since DivX 4.x/5.x require 32-bit), and reencoding the video WITHOUT the MPEG-4 tools (GMC, B-Frame, QPel) enabled.

                  I'm using wmp 7.01 for a player but it does the same thing with asusdvd
                  Use a light-weight player, such as BSPlayer or WMP 6.4.

                  what is SBC
                  It is simply 3.11 done using 2-pass encoding method.


                  • Batman
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    Lord of Digital Video
                    • Jan 2002
                    • 2317

                    Re: audio trouble

                    Originally posted by miles6699
                    I'm sorry if i jumped right over the problem. My audio trouble is synchronization. The video is behind the audio. The gap is not constant, it varies, usualy if i fast forward it with the slider it gets worse. I'm using wmp 7.01 for a player but it does the same thing with asusdvd......PS what is SBC....I'm
                    Try WMP 6.4 or BSPLAYER.


                    • miles6699
                      • Nov 2002
                      • 65


                      well thks....hopefully there will be a new cpu in my stocking this year even, if i have to put it there myself. then hopefull all my problems will wash away......yah right... merry christmas
                      If at first you don't succeed get a BIGGER hammer !


                      • miles6699
                        • Nov 2002
                        • 65


                        ok this palyer rocks...i realy like the desktop day.avi makes a great wallpaper...and it takes up next to no resources....i can encode and watch at the same time.......i'm like a giddy little school girl!!!!
                        If at first you don't succeed get a BIGGER hammer !


                        • Batman
                          Lord of Digital Video
                          Lord of Digital Video
                          • Jan 2002
                          • 2317

                          Glad to see your in the Christmas spirit

                          Your synch issues are solved I gather?


                          • miles6699
                            • Nov 2002
                            • 65

                            you got it pontiac..thks
                            If at first you don't succeed get a BIGGER hammer !

