Channel conversion

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  • badger_man
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Dec 2002
    • 8

    Channel conversion

    Hello everybody,
    This is my first post but don't get me wrong i've done a lot of ripping in the last 2 years. However i've recently been trying to re-encode films i have aquired from other sources and often they come as two parts and i like to have them as one single part.
    I have no problem in merging the files i do that using virtual-dub, but whoever encoded them before ripped them with 5.1 surround sound and i'd like just normal 2 channel stereo but i don't know how to convert it if anyone knows how to do this or has any ideas i would be glad to hear from you soon.
  • Enchanter
    Old member
    • Feb 2002
    • 5417

    AC3Machine, combined with BeSweet, can do exactly the job for you.


    • setarip
      • Dec 2001
      • 24955

      There is no need to extract the audiostream from the file.

      Load the file into NanDub.

      Set "Video" to "Direct Stream Copy"
      Set "Audio" to "Full Process Mode"
      From the "Audio" drodpown menu, select "Compression" and choose the format (presumably .MP3), freequency, and sampling rate that you prefer.

      Save with a new filename.

      Let us know of your success ;>}


      • Enchanter
        Old member
        • Feb 2002
        • 5417

        To Setarip

        Originally posted by setarip
        There is no need to extract the audiostream from the file.

        Load the file into NanDub.

        Set "Video" to "Direct Stream Copy"
        Set "Audio" to "Full Process Mode"
        From the "Audio" drodpown menu, select "Compression" and choose the format (presumably .MP3), freequency, and sampling rate that you prefer.

        Save with a new filename.

        Let us know of your success ;>}
        This method does not work with AC3 files, which the poster appears to be dealing with...


        • Kevin AMD
          Gold Member
          Gold Member
          • Dec 2002
          • 130

          this is also possible in virtual dub, i do it all the time

          its a great program, but you need some experience
          Let's all try to help each other


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            From setarip (FOR REAL)

            I apologize for the last posting that appeared under my name (I won't get into the "gory" details but, suffice it to say and severe punishment has been meted out).

            My standard response to the initial question posed would have been as follows:

            **IMPORTANT - VirtualDub v.1.4AC3 is a specific MODIFIED version of VirtualDub!

            Load the .AVI file into VirtualDub v.1.4-AC3, set "Video" to "Direct Stream Copying" and select (under "File") "Save WAV" - and save as .AC3 (IMPERATIVE to save as .AC3!)

            Despite the fact that .AC3 file extracted using VDub-AC3 doesn't play properly, PX3AC3Converter (or BeSweet) will do a perfect job of converting it to .WAV format.

            Again, my sincere apology ;>}


            • badger_man
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Dec 2002
              • 8

              Alright guy's

              The pain in the neck is that i've tried to do this in virtual dub but i get an error message saying that the "requested audio compression is not compatible with the output format. Check the that the sampling rate and the channel count mathch those of the requested format."

              I thought this was because the original encode was done with 5.1 surround and i'm now trying to get 2 channel stereo but if this is not why this is happening then what is it?,

              cheers for giving me any help you can



              • badger_man
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Dec 2002
                • 8

                starting to get a little annoyed now

                Hello guy's again,

                I've now tried using Nandub but i get an error saying "AC3 failed to suggest audio decompression fromat"

                Any help is greatly appreciated,




                • badger_man
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Dec 2002
                  • 8


                  Sorry guy's me again,

                  This may sound like a silly question but i'm trying to use ac3 machine now and i need an input ac3 file to convert so i need to make an ac3 file from my avi file and it won't let me input this so i need to make an input ac3 file, How the hell do i do that!!!!


                  The Idiot that can't deal with this amount of hassle


                  • Enchanter
                    Old member
                    • Feb 2002
                    • 5417

                    Re: also....

                    Originally posted by badger_man
                    Sorry guy's me again,

                    This may sound like a silly question but i'm trying to use ac3 machine now and i need an input ac3 file to convert so i need to make an ac3 file from my avi file and it won't let me input this so i need to make an input ac3 file, How the hell do i do that!!!!


                    The Idiot that can't deal with this amount of hassle
                    To extract the AC3 file from your AVI file, do the following:
                    1. Open file in nandub
                    2. Ensure that Audio tab is set to Direct Stream Copy
                    3. Go to File -> Save WAV... and give a name to the new file (don't worry. It is an AC3 file despite the defaulted WAV header)

                    Now that you have the AC3 file, you can input it into AC3machine and do what you wish. By the way, what sort of stereo format are you thinking of getting? 2.0 AC3 or simple stereo MP3?


                    • badger_man
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Dec 2002
                      • 8

                      same thing

                      well ultimately i'm looking to get 2 channel stereo mp3 to go with the avi but whatever works really.

                      cheers for your help



                      • Enchanter
                        Old member
                        • Feb 2002
                        • 5417

                        Alright. Follow the above procedure for extracting the AC3 sound stream from the AVI. Once you have got the AC3 file, simply use BeSweet to convert it to the format of your choice.

                        Once you have got your MP3 file, it is a simple matter of muxing it with the original video by direct streaming in nandub.


                        • badger_man
                          Junior Member
                          Junior Member
                          • Dec 2002
                          • 8


                          Thanks to anyone who has posted on this matter because it has bothered me for a longtime and finally i have cracked it. I would especially like to thank Enchanter for all his help.

                          By the way mate i knew how to join the files once i had them, but i had to know how to get them in the first place. You asked what i was looking to get in the end so i yhought i'd reply just to be polite but cheers for letting us know how to join them anyway.

                          Again thanks everyone for your help and i hope to read more from you lot soon




                          • Enchanter
                            Old member
                            • Feb 2002
                            • 5417

                            Glad I could be of help.

