Felt I should thankyou for the guidance you and this site have given me - Having read many threads I have finally been able to use my Graphics card with the tv and vcr. For people like myself with limited knowledge this sort of site is invaluable.
Problem was with the drivers supplied for the nvidia geforce 2 mx400. I D/L the detonator3 v 6.13 drivers and all probs (incl macrovision) where sorted....
Great stuff
Thanks once more and best wishes for the new year
Felt I should thankyou for the guidance you and this site have given me - Having read many threads I have finally been able to use my Graphics card with the tv and vcr. For people like myself with limited knowledge this sort of site is invaluable.
Problem was with the drivers supplied for the nvidia geforce 2 mx400. I D/L the detonator3 v 6.13 drivers and all probs (incl macrovision) where sorted....
Great stuff
Thanks once more and best wishes for the new year