sound probs while encoding harry potter 2

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  • baldylowe
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2002
    • 13

    sound probs while encoding harry potter 2

    im encoding harry potter 2 from 2 avi files cd1 and cd2 the avi files themself are video divx 5 audio mp3 ive played the files through windows media player and they r perfect not a sinle glitch but as soon as i run them through any encoder the video at certain points through the film gets a white screen for a few seconds but the sound carries on so after about 10 seconds the video comes back but the sound is way out of sync it seems like when the white screen comes up it pauses the video but keeps playing the audio i can fix the prob but it takes about 4 hours due to all the de-multiplexing cutting sniping and re-multiplexing any quick solutions to the would be welcome
    cheers guys
    p.s. this is not the first film ive had this prob with
  • setarip
    • Dec 2001
    • 24955

    "im encoding harry potter 2 from 2 avi files cd1 and cd2 the avi files themself are video divx 5 audio mp3 ive played the files through windows media player and they r perfect not a sinle glitch but as soon as i run them through any encoder"

    What are you trying to convert them to - and what software and procedures are you using?


    • baldylowe
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2002
      • 13

      harry potter 2

      im trying to put them to --- video mpeg 2 352 x 288 --audio mpeg layer 2 48000hz im using avi decompresor to put the audio to pcm and then useing tmpgenc to encode the files ive used this procedure on a long list of films and never had any probs when i had the prob i opened the file with virtual dub and it opened just fine scaned the file for errors and it came back clear i have the correct codecs in but like i said the file plays perfect as an avi and vdub cant detect any errors this did happen to me once before with triple x but there was only one glitch in it and that was in the last 5 mins of the film so it wasnt really a prob takeing it out with this one it is in 4 places throughout the film so its doing my head in to be honest it looks like someone could have messed about with it to delibretly stop you encoding it maybey by altering the gop structure or something like that im not to sure on that as i dont fully understand gop structures to well as of yet any sugestions would be appreciated
      cheers for the replie


      • setarip
        • Dec 2001
        • 24955

        Whoever uploaded the files may have (improperly) joined multiple pieces to create the two CDs.

        As an experiment, under TMPGEnc, try splitting one of the files at the trouble points and separately converting the pieces. Then join the converted pieces...


        • baldylowe
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Sep 2002
          • 13

          harry potter 2

          sorry tried that first but cant get it to run like i said ive looked at the file after it has gone through avi audio decompresor and once its finished the problem is there, so tried running it through tmpgenc first (with compresed audio i knew it would only encode the video part then stop but it didnt matter cause i could do the audio seprate) but the prob was still there, then tried vdub to split the file into 10 seprate segments but segment 1 had a glitch so every other segment had audio sync probs like i said ive done this with countless films and never had a prob unless it was a currupt file witch to the best i can see this aint and the only other film its happened with is triple x but the prob was in the last 5 mins so i cut the last 10 mins of de-multiplexed them used tmpgenc >mpeg tools >cut and merge sniped the white screen out witch was about 10 seconds then sniped the audio so it started when the video started (took a few attempts ) then joined the 2 files back together hey presdo it worked but with this one the glitch is scattered throughout the film so to do what i did with xxx would take me hours and hours as i would be working with about 3gigs worth of film as u can c y this is doing my head in
          but like i said i appreciate any help i get
          so once again thanks for the replie


          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            1) Have you tried something as simple as loading the original .AVI into VirtualDub, setting BOTH "Video" and "Audio" to "Direct Stream Copy" and saving with a new filename?


            • baldylowe
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2002
              • 13

              yes tried that


              • baldylowe
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Sep 2002
                • 13

                just to let you know im re downloading the 2 files just to take a look to c if it was a glitch in the download ill post a thread to let you know if and how i fixed it


                • setarip
                  • Dec 2001
                  • 24955

                  "ive played the files through windows media player and they r perfect not a sinle glitch"

                  Although it's certainly not a bad idea to download them once again, your initial statement would appear to preclude the possibility that the original downloads were flawed...


                  • baldylowe
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Sep 2002
                    • 13

                    ill post a thread let everyone know how i got on
                    thanks again for the help
                    p.s. ive re-done cd 2 useing vdub in direct stream copy and it has worked ok no probs so ill try cd 1 when its finished downloading and see if it works with the fresh copy cheers again


                    • setarip
                      • Dec 2001
                      • 24955

                      "thanks again for the help"

                      My pleasure ;>}

