help with xvid

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  • njskatchmo
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2003
    • 11

    help with xvid

    I recently formatted my computer and i was tryign to watch a movie which worked vefore teh format and now it doesnt. i installed nimo and such. and then i ran gspot on it and it sasy xvid codec which i have but when i run the video it only comes up as green squares. i have screen shots of the gspot if anyone needs it. please help
  • Batman
    Lord of Digital Video
    Lord of Digital Video
    • Jan 2002
    • 2317

    First of all I would recommend you uninstall NIMO and instead install either the xvid codec or ffdshow. Also, use a decent player such as BSPLAYER or WMP 6.4

    Secondly, if that fails to work try this. Using avi4cc changer change the 4cc code to dx50 (You must have divx 5.02 installed).


    • njskatchmo
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Jan 2003
      • 11

      i use bsplayer, and where can i get the xvid codec alone?


      • njskatchmo
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Jan 2003
        • 11

        i downloaded divx total pack and it worked thx anyway


        • Batman
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • Jan 2002
          • 2317

          Then apparently the file you had trouble with was actually a divx file not an xvid file.


          • njskatchmo
            Junior Member
            Junior Member
            • Jan 2003
            • 11

            it was xvid. xvid was included i n the divx total pack. im guessign possibly a different xvid codec?


            • Batman
              Lord of Digital Video
              Lord of Digital Video
              • Jan 2002
              • 2317

              What i the divx total pack?If you downloaded the divx pack from DIVX.COM it does not contain the XVID Codec. Yes, divx and xvid are two seperate codecs.


              • GreenScreen
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Apr 2003
                • 21

                Easy fix for Xvid Green Screen w/Blocks or Playing Well w/ no audio

                Many people seem to be having this same problem as I once did:

                Green screen in Windows Media Player with scattered weird blocks.

                Often if you fix this problem you get no audio. Here is an easy way to have both high quality Xvid video and audio (wow! what a concept)

                If you have Nimo codec pack installed, uninstall it completely, as well as any other divx/xvid codecs listed in Add/Remove programs. I am not saying Nimo is crap, but it screwed up my computer. I am sure there are very good codecs included in the pack, but it seems unstable.

                Download and install the 3ivx codec from . I have found that their website is down sometimes, so if you get an error, just try them again a little while later.

                Now you should have video.

                If you still don't have audio go to , click on Download and download the exe version of the latest build (should be the top one). When you install this AC3 audio decoder, your audio should work.

                Some files, however use Ogg Vorbis encoding for the audio, in that case install the Ogg decoder from .

                At least all of this fixed it on my WinXP machine.

                Also, if this message helps you fix the problem, please cut and paste this fix to every message board you know of where people are having this problem. Maybe we can put an end to it once and for all.


