Frames drop 20 at time.

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  • ShawnT
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Nov 2002
    • 8

    Frames drop 20 at time.

    Hello all,

    Maybe this has been asked before but I can't find the answer.

    I am using Virtual VCR to record programs from my tuner card.

    I am running a celron 500mhz. 512 ram, and a 3d sound card. I know not top noch, but that what I have for now.

    Well here is the problem.

    I am recording shows from my tuner card ati all in wonder.
    And I see that 20 frams drops at a time. The sound is fine on play back, but as the movie runs longer the sound falls behind.

    And the video gets a bit choppy. Mybe my cpu for the video. Not realy woried about that part. I would like to get the frame rates up and sound to stay in sink.

    Any help would be nice.

    Oh and I know this is another topic but just wanted to thank Enchanter for pointing me to Virtualdub and DivX.

  • dodge
    • Feb 2003
    • 69

    need to know what speed your hard drive runs at and what compression and video specs you are recording at.


    • ShawnT
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Nov 2002
      • 8

      I am using an western digital 10 gig drive on winXP Pro.

      At this point I am not compressing the sound or video.

      320 x 240


      Fram rate 30.00

      Just testing to see what I can get and how.

      Any sugestions dodge?




      • dodge
        • Feb 2003
        • 69

        I`d recommend using some sort of compression also if your hard drive is fragmented that could cause frames to drop.


        • ShawnT
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Nov 2002
          • 8

          What compression would you recomend? I am still new to all this. Just been playing around with avi and divx for about a mounth.



          • setarip
            • Dec 2001
            • 24955

            Using ANY video compression "on the fly" will only cause your already overtaxed system to drop still more frames. Try using a lossless codec, such as HuffyUV...


            • ShawnT
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Nov 2002
              • 8

              Thanks I will try out Huffyuv. I will let you know the results.



              • ShawnT
                Junior Member
                Junior Member
                • Nov 2002
                • 8

                Well I have tried the Huffyuv codec, It does compress on the fly, but I still have the problem with the sound.

                Weather I use compression or not the sound is still off. Sound is faster than video.

                I have used resample sound on virtual vcr, but that does not help.

                Any thoughts?




                • setarip
                  • Dec 2001
                  • 24955

                  A) If the difference between audio and video is constant throughout the video:

                  Load the file into VirtualDub or NanDub.
                  Set BOTH "Video" and "Audio" to "Direct Stream Copy".
                  From the "Audio" dropdown menu, select "Interleaving"
                  Under "Audio skew correction", set an appropriate number of milleseconds (positive or negative) in the box labelled "Delay audio track by"
                  Save with a new filename

                  B) If the difference increases as the movie plays:

                  From under the "Video" dropdown menu, select framerate - and select "Change so video and audio durations match"

                  Let us know of your success ;>}


                  • ShawnT
                    Junior Member
                    Junior Member
                    • Nov 2002
                    • 8

                    Thanks I will try that. I am learning and I thank you all for your help.

                    I ohhhhh soooooo muuuuuch want a faster pc!

                    But have to wait for that.




                    • setarip
                      • Dec 2001
                      • 24955

                      "Thanks I will try that. I am learning and I thank you all for your help."

                      My (Our) pleasure ;>}

