well, i HAD it working!

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  • seraph830
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Feb 2003
    • 13

    well, i HAD it working!


    i finnnaly got my divx working on my computer and everything was going good. i rippped a bunch of my DVD's and was very happy with my results. And i was actually starting to learn how the individual programs that make up Gourdian Knot worked.

    But there was a problem with my computer itself, i havent formatted in like 3 years, and its was running so slow and locking up all the time i just got sick of it.

    So i formatted, and when it was time to load everything back on, instead of putting windows ME back on, i decided id try windows XP (i dont have internet on my computer, so i dont care).

    I installed XP, then installed DIVX 5, AVI SYNTH and the GORDIAN KNOT package, in that order. i tried ripping a DVD agian, and somewhere after it starts encoding the video(dont know where because i dont sit in front of my computer) NANDUB performs an exception, and it errors. its not a normal windows error, because it asks me if i want to write a log file.

    the error has this in it (wrong nandub.DBG file (exception 1853))

    i can post the actual log file (i saved it) if anyone needs it to help me solve my problem.

    if you guys can help me, ill give you a dollar (well not really but its at least SOME motavation). But seriously, when i was tottaly stuck before and thought I was beyond hope, you guys came through, hopefully you can do the same agian

  • The Edge
    Digital Video Expert
    Digital Video Expert
    • Jan 2003
    • 610

    Two things:

    1. The GordianKnot package has AVIsynth 1.0 already so no point installing AVISynth standalone package (Unless your using AVIynth 2.50 or something....which just confuses things even further)

    2. NanDub uses DivX 3.11a ONLY so that also needs to be installed. DivX 5.0* is no good if your using NanDub.

    Hopefully that helps I need that dollar!

    "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"


    • seraph830
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Feb 2003
      • 13

      finnaly a reply,

      anyways, when i had windows ME my gordian knot wouldnt work everytime, then somebody told me to download AVI SYNTH, so i did and it worked. thats why i did it. unless i somehow have a old version of gordian knot, (in which i dont understand how i would of got it because i downloaded it not to long ago from divxdigest)

      When you install DIVX5 does it install DIVX3.11a with it (like the new version includes all previous builds?)

      um, is there a tutorial on how to encode stuff in DivX5 using Gordian Knot because i have no idea how to do it, there are a bunch of DIVX 5 buttons on GK, but i click them all and it still encodes in 3.

      oh yeah, if i knew were you lived id give you a dollar i make lots of money for a college student (hahahahahaha) *cough


      • The Edge
        Digital Video Expert
        Digital Video Expert
        • Jan 2003
        • 610

        DivX 5 will DECODE DivX 3.11a fine but ENCODING ain't gonna happen.

        In GKnot there is really only 2 areas where you select DivX 3 or 5

        Under "Bitrate" and under "Options" (where you enable b-frames, etc) all other settings are interchangable between codecs.

        Make that 2 dollars now

        "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"


        • seraph830
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Feb 2003
          • 13

          but when i hit the save and encode button, the stuipd encode button on that popup box is under divx3 not 5

          does that make a difference



          • The Edge
            Digital Video Expert
            Digital Video Expert
            • Jan 2003
            • 610

            Yes. You can change what codec is used there.

            "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"


            • seraph830
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Feb 2003
              • 13

              no, thats not what i meant.

              when you click save and encode it gives you a popup window where you select the audio file to be attached to the movie, and the divx5 special filters. but the button you have to click to start the whole thing is under the divX3 tab, is there a button im missin here?

              oh yeah, if this keeps up im gonna owe you like a $20


              • The Edge
                Digital Video Expert
                Digital Video Expert
                • Jan 2003
                • 610

                I see. That means your probably missing something. Under "Encoder" (in the same window) make sure VirtualDub is located correctly.


                "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"


                • seraph830
                  Junior Member
                  Junior Member
                  • Feb 2003
                  • 13

                  ok cool, im going up to my computer to try some of this stuff, ill be back to tell you if it worked or not

                  hey, just like in those 10-10-220 commercials, $20's can buy you alot of stuff, (or was that $1)



                  • The Edge
                    Digital Video Expert
                    Digital Video Expert
                    • Jan 2003
                    • 610


                    "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"


                    • seraph830
                      Junior Member
                      Junior Member
                      • Feb 2003
                      • 13

                      ok, now i see that button. im trying and hoping my problem is fixed. now that i click that button, i dont need to install divx3.11a now right?

                      oh yeah, sence i was encoding in divx3 this whole time, whats so better about encoding in 5?


                      ($21 he he)


                      • The Edge
                        Digital Video Expert
                        Digital Video Expert
                        • Jan 2003
                        • 610

                        I could go and on about the differences between DivX 3.11a & 5 but it's one of the most asked questions. Alot of people prefer "oldskool" divx 3 but DivX 5 introduces more features and is ISO complient (don't ask ) DivX 3.11a is an hack of a MS codec.

                        Have a look here for a good codec shootout and make your own decisions.

                        "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"

