DVD player - File Mode???

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  • theobc
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Mar 2003
    • 3

    DVD player - File Mode???

    Hi - first off, I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong place, (I've put a copy of this into the DVD forum too, but I'm so desperate I have gone into more detail here)

    If you have had the same problem as me - please help out:

    My PowerDVD player (v2.55) has decided to run in FILE MODE.

    Whenever I put a DVD into the drive - the File mode icon appears in the 'remote control', and Power DVD pulls up a file loader/selection screen listing the disc contents whenever I put in a DVD and press play. Autorun seems to be ignored. The Disc then stops.

    How do I switch off File Mode and revert it to DVD mode! It used to work until I put in a troublesome DVD (the Massive Attack music videos) and now seems to have forgotten how to play a DVD! I cant seem to find anything written about this anywhere!

    Please please help me out - any suggestions welcome!!

  • CybaSmuggla
    • Nov 2002
    • 57


    U cant find anything anywhere? have you clicked ur help file? if u look on the display control panel,u'll see a very tiny font,run your mouse over the face...it will say Disc/file mode,with a lil folder or disk...click for either mode.
    Help files are amazing things.


    • andrewpk200
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • Mar 2003
      • 45

      In power dvd, just next to the play controls there is a button that allows you to select the source

      you just need to tell it to use you DVD drive as the source and it will look for a dvd in the drive, then play whatever it plays
      The Power of a Goldfish Should never be underestimated


      • theobc
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Mar 2003
        • 3


        Cheers for your help with this - I'm not actually at home now so will have to check out your advice later on - the weird thing is I did check my help file for this info a couple of times, but couldn't see it anywhere...

        I have therefore been:

        1. Looking in the wrong place

        2. A bit slow

        anyhow - cheers for your help!

