Whats your favorite movie player?
Best movie player?
Best movie player?
18DivX Player0%0Windows Media Player0%8Real One Player0%0WinDVD Platinum0%3PowerDVD0%3Other0%4-EvilWizard80011
I know karate, kung fu, and 47 other dangerous words
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oops..pasted wrong title.If theres a moderator out there change it plz.-EvilWizard80011
I know karate, kung fu, and 47 other dangerous words
Enchanter, I was going to say that, but I wanted to keep my spam card...
I don't like realone player, because I have it and it always wants to be the default player. it has two buttons that tell me if I want to keep it as the default player, or keep it as the default player.
I get, ok, or details that give me the options " ok" or "remind me later". later..(5min) I get this same stupid message. I want to keep Real one for all my mp3's...Comment
Originally posted by chickeneater
Enchanter, I was going to say that, but I wanted to keep my spam card...
I don't like realone player, because I have it and it always wants to be the default player. it has two buttons that tell me if I want to keep it as the default player, or keep it as the default player.
I get, ok, or details that give me the options " ok" or "remind me later". later..(5min) I get this same stupid message. I want to keep Real one for all my mp3's...
For MP3s, there are many players with better sound quality than Winamp. One of them would have to be Coolplayer.Comment
Where's Zoomplayer?
Well, from the above list:
AVI/OGM -> Windows Media Player 6.4
Normally I use Zoomplayer for all video media.
edit >> Enchanter, can an audio player really make a difference in sound quality?
I personally found slight difference in sound quality between BSPlayer and WMP (with the former having the better sound). This is probably due to the use of WaveOut, compared to WMP's default DirectSound. I am using the Videologic Sirocco Crossfire as my speakers, so the sound quality difference may not even be noticed on lesser systems.Comment
Sound Quality...
As fars as mp3 players I've noticed a big difference in sound
quality among players...
My vote goes to MusicMatch 7.5!! After spending lots of time
tinkering with the 'sound enhancers' and EQs... MM's
'level limiting' eq seems to blow WMP away... On my system
MM sounds much better....
I'm running the basic SoundBlaster 512 PCI with the kick *ss
Altec Lansing 621 flagship 3 pc. speakers (200w Max).
Movie players....tricky question for me...
I've been trying various codec packs and d/ls, I don't really
think that there's a single player that will play any and every
video file out there, I don't care how many codec packs you've
got. I rotate between WMP 9, Divx Player 2.0, and an obscure
little player called 'Xvid' which seems to play a lot of files that
the other two won't.
I've seen various references to WinMedPlyr 6.x.... Does it do
better than the 9 series? (For movie playing...)
Still learning...
Last edited by kentodd; 16 Mar 2003, 07:04 AM.Comment
As fars as mp3 players I've noticed a big difference in sound
quality among players...
My vote goes to MusicMatch 7.5!! After spending lots of time
tinkering with the 'sound enhancers' and EQs... MM's
'level limiting' eq seems to blow WMP away... On my system
MM sounds much better....
I'm running the basic SoundBlaster 512 PCI with the kick *ss
Altec Lansing 621 flagship 3 pc. speakers (200w Max).
I've seen various references to WinMedPlyr 6.x.... Does it do better than the 9 series? (For movie playing...)OGSTH! my webpage
Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard, be evil.Comment