Hi !
I just relased a new software that alows you to search and download subtitles directly from your desktop. Using this software you don't need anymore to visit a lot of sites ... to login or make accounts.. this software finds for you all the movies subtitles you need.
This is the first version of the software .. i'm waiting for your oppinions and suggestions and if you like it i promice i'll come back with more. The software is free and is powered by http://www.allsubtitles.exits.ro .
You can download Subtitle Finder V1.0 from here : http://www.allsubtitles.exits.ro/app/SubsFinder.zip
John Marcovich

I just relased a new software that alows you to search and download subtitles directly from your desktop. Using this software you don't need anymore to visit a lot of sites ... to login or make accounts.. this software finds for you all the movies subtitles you need.
This is the first version of the software .. i'm waiting for your oppinions and suggestions and if you like it i promice i'll come back with more. The software is free and is powered by http://www.allsubtitles.exits.ro .
You can download Subtitle Finder V1.0 from here : http://www.allsubtitles.exits.ro/app/SubsFinder.zip
John Marcovich