Vcd Help

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  • Adrenaline
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • May 2003
    • 3

    Vcd Help

    I am just starting to get into VCD, I have a brand new dvd player that I have just purchased, and I wish to get into making VCDs... Currently, I am extracting the sound with virtual dub, and then using TMPGEnc to mold them together and create a MPEG file. It has been working so far, until I come along to a SCREENER. The screener does not work out with anything that I've tried...??? Are there any codecs I am missing?

    If anyone can tell me what I should be using for programs/codecs, plz give me a shout out...

  • Comberman
    Platinum Member
    Platinum Member
    • Aug 2002
    • 153

    I'm not sure what you're trying to do, when you say you are "extracting the sound....using TMPGenc to mould them together to create an mpeg". What are you extracting the sound from? Do you mean moulding audio and video together - is it because of sync problems? The fact that you mention "screener" suggests you might be having sizing or aspect ratio problems when you are working in TMPGEnc's mpeg advanced settings page and in the "video arrange" field. When you are working with VideoCD which uses mpeg-1, the size (resolution) of the output file is critical. If you are producing PAL vcd the res is 352x288; for NTSC vcd the res is 352x240. Are you resizing for vcd?
    Genius creates what it must; talent creates what it can.


    • Adrenaline
      Junior Member
      Junior Member
      • May 2003
      • 3

      yeah, im an idiot... what do you use for VCD??? im having the worst troubles.

      just, is there a place where u can give me a tutorial or some sort of downloads?


      • Adrenaline
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • May 2003
        • 3

        ooops, i meant to say, that i need some1 to direct me of how to convert AVI (divx) files, into NTSC vcds.... i just need to know what codecs/programs i need


        • SKD_Tech
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • Jan 2003
          • 1512

          Look at my site and go to guides and look for VCD (or TMPGEnc) on the sub catagories and I have so guides for ya!


          • Comberman
            Platinum Member
            Platinum Member
            • Aug 2002
            • 153

            You could also try: where you will find AVI2VCD, perhaps one of the best made for VideoCD compliant mpeg encoders there is going. I don't wish to put you off TMPGEnc; I have the Pro version of TMPGEnc and it is a good product, but for someone who is just starting into producing VideoCds, the simplicity of AVI2VCD might just be the encoder to cut your teeth on. One point, there have been several "known issues" associated with DivX, particularly with Release 5.0.3, resulting in quite a number of disgruntled users posting alarm signals in various forums for quite some time now. Hopefully, these problems will have been sorted out in Release 5.0.5 (which I have just downloaded by the way so I can't comment on it at the moment). AVI2VCD does not work with DivX 5.0.3 and John Schlicter explains this on his site. You will also find several very useful guides and links on JS's site, to add to those you find on SKD's site.
            Genius creates what it must; talent creates what it can.

