Cheapest DVD's on the net Everything 5$

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  • fores
    • Apr 2003
    • 2

    Cheapest DVD's on the net Everything 5$

    Big Sale ! Everything 5$

    All DVD's link removed

    Blockbuster Movies
    Playstation 2 Games
    Music / Concert and many more...

    link removed
    Last edited by admin; 10 May 2003, 04:25 PM.
  • arky_123
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Jan 2003
    • 34

    There's definitely something wrong there. If it looks rediculously cheap, then it is too cheap. They must either be pirated copies or the whole site may be a scam to get credit card details. I'd like to be proven wrong on this one, but I fail to see how anyone can charge $3 for a new DVD and make a profit.

    Oh yeah, and here's the two killer giveaways:

    1) (and I quote):

    "All movies ALL REGION."

    Mmmm. Yeah, I can really see the MPAA digging that!

    2) ooh, look, they've got X-men 2! Hmmm.. correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that still in the Cinema???!!

    My advice: Stay well away, it's run by crooks and you'll probably get your credit card fleeced.

    Or perhaps you are the owner of the site..?? If you are, then don't bother posting this on Doom9's site cos I'll remove your ad personally. If you're not, then my apologies, but I strongly suspect that you are, because your post lists the same URL twice, the second time, presumably, as a sig'.

    Selling other people's work is a seriously LOW thing to do.

    Advertising stolen goods on forums like this is a disgusting thing to do, since it is an insult to the ethos of Fair Use and community spirit upon which the forums are founded.

    I won't even mention what I think of credit card fraud...

    Last edited by arky_123; 10 May 2003, 11:45 AM.


    • Batman
      Lord of Digital Video
      Lord of Digital Video
      • Jan 2002
      • 2317

      You may be in violation of forum rules. The forum rules clearly state that crossposting/spamming is unacceptable. Posting links/advertising "illegal" content is also prohibited.


      • fores
        • Apr 2003
        • 2

        Reply To Arky

        Hi Arky,

        Thanks for your nice message.

        But we are not crooks and we are not trying to get peoples credit card details. Even if we want we can not do it because we are not charging peoples credit card directly from our web site. There is a middle company doing it and they are very well known reliable company.

        In other points you might be right about us.

        The reason I post my advertisement to this forum because it is DVD related and I thought I give very good offer to people who love DVD's and this forum is the perfect place to meet with DVD lovers. So this is good opportunity for buyers and sellers.

        I am extremely sorry if I caused any problem with my message.


        Originally posted by arky
        There's definitely something wrong there. If it looks rediculously cheap, then it is too cheap. They must either be pirated copies or the whole site may be a scam to get credit card details. I'd like to be proven wrong on this one, but I fail to see how anyone can charge $3 for a new DVD and make a profit.

        Oh yeah, and here's the two killer giveaways:

        1) (and I quote):

        "All movies ALL REGION."

        Mmmm. Yeah, I can really see the MPAA digging that!

        2) ooh, look, they've got X-men 2! Hmmm.. correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that still in the Cinema???!!

        My advice: Stay well away, it's run by crooks and you'll probably get your credit card fleeced.

        Or perhaps you are the owner of the site..?? If you are, then don't bother posting this on Doom9's site cos I'll remove your ad personally. If you're not, then my apologies.

        Arky ;o)


        • arky_123
          Junior Member
          Junior Member
          • Jan 2003
          • 34

          You appear to be labouring under the misapprehension that it is acceptable to peddle stolen (i.e. pirated) goods on a reputable forum, putting both the forum and it's community members at risk of being closed down by the authorities.

          Or perhaps I am mistaken?

          I also notice that you conveniently neglected to address Batman's point.

          Last edited by arky_123; 10 May 2003, 12:04 PM.


          • admin
            • Nov 2001
            • 8964

            Ok, where do I start ...

            Rules that you've broken today :

            1. Cross-posting - posting the same message multiple times

            2. Advertising/Spam - posting for the sole purpose of advertising

            3. Possible Piracy - movies still showing in the cinemas on DVD for $5?? I don't think so that's legal

            I'd usually give someone a warning before they're banned, but so many rules have been broken here, so why bother with the warning?

            User "fores" have been banned.
            Visit Digital Digest and, My Blog

