I would like to thank those of you that watch these forums and offer up an answer if you have it, advice, or a past experience that bears relevance. And to those of you that take the specialists off the subject of a good running thread, may the answers to your problems in the digital world elude you to the point of childish keyboard slamming.
Now to my point. I’m a DivX noob and was introduced to it through the matrix/animatrix world. I got the official movie downloads and some p2p downloads and then ended spending some time downloading and installing. I did the DivX codec pack then I found the nemo pack and installed it. I then updated windows media player and quicktime player. Some worked, some were fake, and some weren’t what they said they were but were good scores anyway. So I found on one of the forums mention of nifty ways to preview .avi downloads or .dat files.!!! AVI Preview by AJ www.avipreview.com !!! Great tool saves lots of time and hard drive space. Although I’m not sure of this but keep it in mind, I did a lot of previewing of matrix reloaded when I finally found a real copy**chill out Hollywood people I went to the theatre twice for Matrix 1 & 2, I really enjoyed Enter the matrix on my PC, I have The Matrix on DVD I’ll buy Matrix 2 on DVD I’ll buy The Animatrix on DVD and I’ll buy the trilogy when it comes out but its nice to have a supplement on the pc that only costs me a little patience and my cable ISP which is why everybody’s not doing it! dude people don’t even know this little DVD ripping world exists so arrrrrrrrr matey stay out of these seas thar be pirates! And don’t come back (without a screener 592x256 min)
Sorry people necessary rant anyway I think that when the previewer ketches up to the download and runs into it; it creates a pixilated freeze frame that throws the A/V out of sync. Reloaded was trashed and I made no note of these freezes during previews. Anyway downloading and using the .avi fix joiner on it did the trick. It cut it up good but it was good enough to watch, just a few cut offs here and there. And I do understand that download interruptions can cause this or it could have happened to the file at any point in it’s journey to my pc or it even could have originated that way either way its cool. Now what really stumped me was this killer animatrix copy I have that I previewed real quick to verify because the player was suspect. This file had a heck of a trip to my computer over a 2 day span of being qued & paused and my power even went out how’s that for a download interruption. Finally a complete download but what’s this: Freezing pixilated frames, not falling out of sync though, very strange. When the scene was slow it played and looked ok but when it would speed up A frame would freeze in big blocks and you could see like outlines of the movie under the frozen frame sometimes the scene would like wipe up the frozen frame as something passed by, kinda like when you shut down a big system hog of a game and you have a black desktop but things appear as you pass your mouse over them. Totally stayed in sync though. So I tried fixing it but no errors found. Then I tried all kinds of different combinations of monitor and card settings to no avail but I felt like I was shooting in the dark because I have a decent system 1.8ghz CPU 512 ram 128 ATI graphics (care of splinter cell and worth every penny SKD_Tech) 80gb HD blabla. This seemed like a good time to update drivers so I did that and nothing. I downloaded gspot great program just to double check that everything jived. NuTiN. Now my next move should have been my first because you all made mention of it but I didn’t want to screw with it cause it didn’t seem right, codecs a codec right? Oops guess not “didn’t you get the memo†and some like to make you computer reboot due to incompatibilities with the OS then I get a sneaky scandisk if I get up for a piss on my little reboot break! So you’ll all be happy to know that I finally uninstalled nimo codec pack and installed Tsunami 3.9.9 (thanks for the good link UncasMS) Tsunami did the trick and I watched my well earned high quality animatrix rip with not one problem and it was the complete kick ass full version to be released June 3rd and as my way of saying thanks to those that cruz these forums and help the noobs I’d like to help you get a copy of this file. E-mail me at email removed if you’re interested. Hope you all enjoyed my little adventure in the DivX uprising. You all should continue post with noob stories it might be fun. I’m going to try to post this in a few forums so it wont be missed.
File specs:
699MB - 592x256 - XviD MPEG-4 Video Decoder - 831 kb/s - 23.976 FPS - 01h 41m 06s – Audio 128 kb/s (64/ch x 2 ch) VBR LAME3.93

Now to my point. I’m a DivX noob and was introduced to it through the matrix/animatrix world. I got the official movie downloads and some p2p downloads and then ended spending some time downloading and installing. I did the DivX codec pack then I found the nemo pack and installed it. I then updated windows media player and quicktime player. Some worked, some were fake, and some weren’t what they said they were but were good scores anyway. So I found on one of the forums mention of nifty ways to preview .avi downloads or .dat files.!!! AVI Preview by AJ www.avipreview.com !!! Great tool saves lots of time and hard drive space. Although I’m not sure of this but keep it in mind, I did a lot of previewing of matrix reloaded when I finally found a real copy**chill out Hollywood people I went to the theatre twice for Matrix 1 & 2, I really enjoyed Enter the matrix on my PC, I have The Matrix on DVD I’ll buy Matrix 2 on DVD I’ll buy The Animatrix on DVD and I’ll buy the trilogy when it comes out but its nice to have a supplement on the pc that only costs me a little patience and my cable ISP which is why everybody’s not doing it! dude people don’t even know this little DVD ripping world exists so arrrrrrrrr matey stay out of these seas thar be pirates! And don’t come back (without a screener 592x256 min)

File specs:
699MB - 592x256 - XviD MPEG-4 Video Decoder - 831 kb/s - 23.976 FPS - 01h 41m 06s – Audio 128 kb/s (64/ch x 2 ch) VBR LAME3.93