I have downloaded a movie which will not encode with either nero or tmpgenc, with the latter it comes up as an illegal stream cannot process and the former "this source may be in use". I have tried renaming the file with .mpg suffix but then it comes up "the source may be in use" I have put up the firewall and retried to no avail. Will I have to reformat it into something else like avi to burn it? Oh one last thing! I tried opening it with virtualdub and it "Parsing interleave came up whatever that means, so I didn't let it run. Any ideas welcome plse let us know cheers.
Mpeg file shown as DAT file cannot process illegal stream
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check your movie with "Gspot" to see of what kind the movie is.
then you might be more successful in "working" on it.
by the way: virtual dub does not change your movie
until you tell it to do so.
if you are anxious that you might produce iireversible changes,
create a copy of it and work on that!!!