Vob to Avi

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  • LilleLars
    Junior Member
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2003
    • 4

    Vob to Avi

    Ok need some help.

    I tried Vodimi to convert Vob 2 Avi. but then I opened the Movie, there were 3 green lines on the movies. ½ the movie was green.

    1. Do some know a other program 2 convert vob 2 avi? ( It would be a help if I can set how much the file must fill.)

    2. Can I fix the problem in Vidomi?
  • shiny#3
    Digital Video Master
    Digital Video Master
    • Jul 2003
    • 1000

    for an vob to avi conversion please use DVD2AVI
    or read this guidehttp://uncas.atlandide.net/en/index.php?page=gordian or this guide using DVXhttp://uncas.atlandide.net/de/dvx/dvx3_english.htm

    good luck!!


    • The Edge
      Digital Video Expert
      Digital Video Expert
      • Jan 2003
      • 610

      Welcome LilleLars,
      How did you end up with the VOBs?
      Make sure you use Smartripper or DVDDecrypter to "decrypt" the vobs to hdd
      If you just copied them from the DVD then the copy protection will result in the green blocks you see.

      To answer your first question, two programs come to mind.
      GordianKnot and DVX if you want to get a specific file size.

      I'm not to familiar with Vidomi. Last time i used it it was crap


      Seems shiny#3 is faster at typing then I am
      "…I know the industry is formally opposed to that kind of thing [bootlegging] but I'm not. I don't have a problem with it at all." -- Paul McGuiness"


      • LilleLars
        Junior Member
        Junior Member
        • Sep 2003
        • 4

        why do things have to look so complicated?
        Think will try to fix the problem with vidomi.
        On www.vidomi.com they have a forum, And I think I can solve the problems!

        I used DVD decoder to get the Vob files.
        I like it to be simpel and Vidomi can do that for me.


        • SKD_Tech
          Lord of Digital Video
          Lord of Digital Video
          • Jan 2003
          • 1512

          Well if you don't mind a little work I suggest GordianKnot or DVX (DVX preferably)


          • shiny#3
            Digital Video Master
            Digital Video Master
            • Jul 2003
            • 1000

            a little question, Lille Lars.......

            as we have given good advice why do you not simply try that out.... this advice we have given does not only solve your problem,
            but may also void other problems that you may encounter,
            when you keep up encoding to a more advanced status


            • LilleLars
              Junior Member
              Junior Member
              • Sep 2003
              • 4

              I will take a look at it, but 2 me right now it just confuse me.


              • Enchanter
                Old member
                • Feb 2002
                • 5417

                Originally posted by The Edge

                I'm not to familiar with Vidomi. Last time i used it it was crap
                Perhaps LilleLars should heed The Edge's advice. I have heard rarely anyone who praises Vidomi for its quality.

                And why presume that everything "have to look so complicated" when all you need to do is download and install DVX (or GordianKnot) and try it out? They are not as complicated as you believe, and will undoubtedly yield the better quality.



                • shiny#3
                  Digital Video Master
                  Digital Video Master
                  • Jul 2003
                  • 1000

                  felix, qui potuit cognoscere rerum!!


                  • Enchanter
                    Old member
                    • Feb 2002
                    • 5417

                    "felix, qui potuit cognoscere rerum!!"

                    Was that directed at me?


                    • shiny#3
                      Digital Video Master
                      Digital Video Master
                      • Jul 2003
                      • 1000

                      I guess at any people that are roaming this earth!


                      • LilleLars
                        Junior Member
                        Junior Member
                        • Sep 2003
                        • 4

                        thx for yours help, the machine working right now, and I will come back.

                        I love the fast respons. THX


                        • Enchanter
                          Old member
                          • Feb 2002
                          • 5417

                          You're welcome, LilleLars.

                          "I guess at any people that are roaming this earth!"

                          By the way, what is that statement supposed to mean?


                          • shiny#3
                            Digital Video Master
                            Digital Video Master
                            • Jul 2003
                            • 1000

                            "felix, qui potuit cognoscere rerum!!"

                            Was that directed at me?

                            direct reply to your question... as you might appreciate!!

